
CTLS is building a collection of books on teaching that are available on loan to RWU faculty. 请继续关注标题列表. Here are a couple to get you started:

  • 芬克,迪. (2013). Creating Significant Learning Experiences. 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯
  • Mazur,埃里克. (1997) 同行指导:用户手册. Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice-Hall

还有很多书可以买到 RWU图书馆. 加入 教育学读书会 讨论更多标题!


高等教育编年史 (注意RWU有一个订阅) Weekly news and job information source for higher education


开放教育资源 developed by Sue McMullen from the RWU Library

教学 and Learning Content Creation Tools and Content 集合 
Note that if you have any favorite tools or strategies to add to this list please email them to Stephanie Hijazi at shijazi@plunkocity.com

Tutorials and narrated video demonstrations are available for all enterprise-level instructional applications. 



Additional Instructional Technologies

无法访问网站? 没有看到你需要的教程? 联络我们: id@plunkocity.com 让我们知道. We will do our best to accommodate you.


LinkedIn学习 is a wonderful resource for learning almost any type of software application.

RWU has a site license to this library which offers more than 16,000门按需课程(商业), 有创意的, and tech) taught by real-world professionals that you (or your students) can access at any time. 看看这个惊人的资源.

的 following books on assessment are recommended:

  • 托马斯·安吉洛. 克罗斯,K. 帕特丽夏. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers. 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯
  • 贝恩肯. (2004). 最好的大学老师是怎么做的. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press.
  • 杰罗姆·费尔德曼. 麦克菲,道格. (2008). 学习的科学 & 教学的艺术. Clifton Park, NY : Thomson Delmar Learning.
  • McKeachie, Wilbert James等人. (2006). 12日艾德. McKeachie's teaching tips : strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers. 波士顿,马萨诸塞州:霍顿米夫林.
  • 丹内尔·D·史蒂文斯. 李维,安东尼娅J. (2004). 标准介绍:An assessment tool to save grading time. 斯特林,弗吉尼亚州:Stylus Publishing
  • 琳达·苏斯基(2009). Assessing student learning: A common sense guide, 2d edition, 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯
  • Barbara E . Walvoord. Fassler.  (2010).  Assessment clear and simple : a practical guide for institutions, departments, and general education.  旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯

的 National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)提供了丰富的 资源 for faculty interested in advising students. 的 Clearinghouse of Academic 建议参考资料 page features articles addressing more than 250 topics applicable to academic advising. 的 Clearinghouse also includes over 100 resource links pages organized by topic. 的se pages are made up of member suggested web links that connect readers to more than 30,000个相关资源.

Check out the Roger Williams University 谘询及宣传网站

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