
内尔敏库那, Ph.D.Professor of 艺术史和建筑史 and Ceramics


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陶瓷艺术, 摄影, 多媒体雕塑, 艺术史和建筑史, 伊斯兰世界的艺术与建筑, 陶瓷的历史, 艺术与自然


Ph.D. 比尔肯特大学(土耳其安卡拉)
D.E.A和M.A. 巴黎大学,索邦大学
B.A.  巴黎索邦大学,巴黎第四

内尔敏库那 is a Professor of Art and Architectural History in 的 School of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation她还在英国大学教授陶艺 Feinstein School of Humanities, Arts and 教育's 视觉艺术系. 

The mystery of 的 occurrence of life and its embodiment is 的 focus of 内尔敏库那’s artistic exploration. 她的作品包括陶瓷, 摄影, 多媒体雕塑, and probes 的 concept of 的 “shape of existence” in a biosphere imbued with personhood, 精神和物质交织在一起的地方, and all beings; animate and inanimate are interconnected and interdependent.

Kura’s ceramic work has been exhibited in group and solo exhibitions, 在画廊, 教育机构, 美国的博物馆和艺术博览会, 欧洲和中东. Her work has been featured in exhibitions representing national and regional developments in American ceramics. 在国际上, her work been shown in London at Christie’s as well as 的 London Art Fair, 在巴黎卢浮宫的卡鲁塞尔, 和黄丽宝画廊, 在伊斯坦布尔当代伊斯坦布尔艺术博览会上, 得宝, Galerist, 麦卡和阿佩尔画廊,以及安卡拉的内华达画廊, 在以色列的Umm el-Fahem美术馆展出.

Her ceramics were selected for 的 distinguished exhibition; “Turkish 陶瓷艺术”: tracing developments from 的 1930’s to 的 present organized in 2007 by Mimar Sinan University and published in its catalogue. Kura’s one-person show “Ser” which took place in 2013 in Ankara at Galeri Nev was accompanied by an exhibition catalogue written by art historian Serpil Bağcı; (an international expert on Ottoman art and miniature painting).

最近展出库拉陶瓷的展览有; “穿皮草的维纳斯” 三月艺术项目-伊斯坦布尔2019 “黄金时代” group show for 的 occasion of 的 35th anniversary of Galeri Nev Ankara 2019, 《网赌的十大网站》 at 的 Macka Sanat Galerisi – Istanbul (a parallel event to 的 16th Istanbul Biennale, 策展人:Deniz Artun) , 的 《网赌的十大网站》 2018年伊斯坦布尔Galerist群展, “联合国/易碎的”  (Christie’s first ever curated auction dedicated to ceramics from 的 traditional through to 21st 世纪雕塑)2018年伦敦.

As an art historian 内尔敏库那 has written articles for exhibition catalogues on 的 work of 的 renowned ceramist Alev Ebüzziya Siesbye for a number of international museums and galleries.

Kura’s work is represented by Galeri Nev in Ankara and by Gallery Apel in Istanbul and is featured in private and public collections in 的 USA, 火鸡, 比利时, 荷兰, 挪威, 法国, 以色列和意大利.