
劳拉爱, Ph.D.文化研究教授


X3171ldamore@plunkocity.comGHH 212简历


英国文学研究:文化研究, American culture; feminism, 女权主义理论, feminist activism; representations of girls and women in popular culture, 通俗文学, 和漫画


Ph.D. 波士顿大学

Laura Mattoon D’Amore is 文化研究教授, and has taught at RWU since 2009.  她获得了博士学位.D. in American and New England Studies from 波士顿大学, with a dissertation titled “American Supermom: Feminism, 母亲, 以及1962年以来的超级女英雄.” Dr. D’Amore’s expertise is in the 女权主义理论 and feminist activism, and the representation of women and girls in American popular and literary culture. 

Her most recent book is a scholarly monograph titled Vigilante Feminists and Agents of Destiny: Violence, Empowerment, and the Teenage Super/heroine (Lexington Books, April 2021), which is part of the 流行文化中的儿童和青少年 书系列. This book tracks the vigilante feminist teenage super/heroine in comics and YA literature, a character who acts as a vigilante on behalf of the protection of girls and women. It traces the trajectory of super/heroines who experience violent trauma, and then through the use of violence are empowered to reclaim control over their lives and bodies. 她的其他著作包括 Smart Chicks on Screen: Representing Women's Intellect in Film and Television (罗曼和利特菲尔德,2014) We Are What We Remember: The American Past Through Commemoration(co-edited with Jeffrey Lee Meriwether, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), and  Bound by Love: Familial Bonding in Film and Television (剑桥学者出版社,2009年). 此外,她是 撰写了多篇文章和评论 比如童话故事的重述, ,或者, 暴力与女权主义, 历史记忆, 电影中的性别表现, 电视, 和漫画, and representations of motherhood in American culture. 

Dr. D’Amore was a featured expert on the representation of women in comics for the History Channel docuseries, 超级英雄解码

Dr. D'Amore teaches many courses in the Cultural Studies department:

  • 社会与文化研究方法
  • 文化研究方法
  • 女孩文化
  • Fairy Tales and Feminism in American Popular Culture
  • 美国流行文化中的超级英雄
  • 女性愤怒的力量
  • 治安维持会成员女性
  • 美国.S. 在20世纪80年代

Dr. D’Amore also teaches for the Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor and in the General 教育 program.

在这里 在一次关于她的书的播客采访中, Smart Chicks on Screen: Representing Women's Intellect in Film and Television (罗曼和利特菲尔德,2014) and read about Dr. D'Amore的研究 "Laura Mattoon D'Amore Explores Feminism in Today's Media" 在海湾.

最后,博士. D’Amore is deeply committed to social justice and equity and inclusion initiatives at Roger Williams University. She co-founded the Diversity and 包容 Fellows program, with Dr. Kamille Gentles-Peart, and the Gender and Sexuality Studies program with Dr. 杰森·雅各布斯.  She is co-chaired the shepherding group for 教育, 奖学金, 和服务, 根据大学的 股权行动计划. 最后, she regularly partners through the Community Partnership Center to pair her courses and her students with organizations like Girls, 陶顿公司, to do equity and advocacy work; and Providence Promise, to do anti-racist mentoring with underserved high school youth.