Q&A: MBA的经历

Dr. Farbod哈蒂 is an 副教授 of Business at the Mario J. 加贝利商学院. 他获得了博士学位.D. in Management Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management.

Farbod哈蒂, 副教授 of Marketing, MBA Program Coordinator


在RWU, it's not just about getting an MBA degree, it's about becoming a leader in business. 的经验 RWU’s accelerated Master of Business Administration program 为学生提供这个. 这就是RWU与众不同的地方. 

Do you have questions on the fully AACSB International accredited program and the experiences students have? 我们有答案!

One of the distinct features of RWU’s MBA program is its cohort model. 你能解释一下背后的想法吗?

We wanted to provide an experience where everyone takes almost all the same classes together throughout the program. There is a lot of networking that happens in an MBA program. 因为我们的学生几乎每节课都在一起, it’s a great bonding experience where they build good relationships and will likely stay in touch. They will be peers and colleagues throughout their professional careers. 学生们现在还没有真正意识到这一点, but in 10 or 20 years they may be looking for a position at a company where one of their MBA class members is working. We also are working on external networking events where students will have the opportunity to network with members of the business community.

Our in-person focus is part of what sets this program apart from what so many other institutions have gone to – which is more online classes. Here, I’ll show up ten minutes before class and all the students are working together. 这正是我想要的. 在这里,我们是一个小社区. 我们的学生一起工作. When they are working for a corporation it’s a lot of teamwork – a lot of solving problems together as a group. 我们的学生已经在这么做了.


We are trying to create real-life situations that they are going to experience in their careers. For example, I teach the decision and marketing management course. I have students read through Harvard Business Review cases and analyze the problems and opportunities they see, 然后展示结果. 最后一个案例是团队案例. It is set up like two companies trying to go after a single account. Each group presents what they think is the best solution for a company and then go back and forth why their solution is better than their competitors.

What kind of experiences do students in the program have outside RWU?

We wanted students to have both international experience and more local experience through an internship. 整个夏天,我们的一个学生完成了一个 在航空公司实习 在纽约市. 另一个学生, 谁做过暑期实习, has already been offered a full-time position at the company.

For our International Experience component, we’re going down to Panama in March. We have five company visits scheduled down there where the students will learn about the best practices of successful international companies. We’re going to the Panama Canal to talk about world trade, 供应链主题, and all of the implications students are going to live and breathe when they are part of today’s global workforce.

I think both the internship and the international experience will be some of the things students talk about during their interviews – among other experiences from our program. I think part of our responsibility is not just to make sure students get a master’s degree, but that we set them up with experiences to be professionals. 我相信我们的项目能做到这一点.

Here, I’ll show up ten minutes before class and all the students are working together. 这正是我想要的. 在这里,我们是一个小社区.