
Roger Williams University offers a diverse, intimate music program which includes a 音乐专业的 (B.A. 在音乐), a 音乐小,和 专注于音乐 的一部分 核心课程. 我们的 音乐教师 are dedicated professionals with a deep commitment to excellence in music, helping students explore many different possibilities in our program.

音乐专业的学生 may explore many different aspects of music, including 作曲, 音乐技术与制作, 音乐表演, 音乐的历史, 全球音乐. All majors will develop a solid foundation of Western music theory 和 音乐的历史, 和 will be able to take lessons in voice or an instrument of choice. Among the facilities available for students to use is our state-of-the-art electronic 和 computer music production facility, 伯奎斯特音乐技术实验室. 我们的 majors frequently augment their 教育 by double-majoring, 或小, 在诸如 业务, 市场营销, 管理, 公共关系, 新闻,平面设计. 学生也可以把音乐专业和其他专业结合起来 心理学, aiming at careers in 音乐疗法, music 心理学, or music cognition. 其他可能性包括添加辅修 电影研究, 视觉艺术, 计算机科学, 教育, 跳舞, or 剧院

如果音乐不是你上大学的主要关注点, 但你对音乐有很深的热情和兴趣, 我们有可定制的 音乐小. which will allow you to take lessons in voice or an instrument of your choice, explore a wide variety of interests including 作曲, 音乐制作与技术, 全球音乐.


If you are accepted by the University you are welcome to major in 音乐; the program does not have a separate audition requirement. 我们的B.A. degree provides a broader focus than one would find in a conservatory, our philosophy is to work with students at all levels of skill 和 knowledge to develop their underst和ing of music-- in the world, 在历史上, 在性能方面.

After you have competed the Foundation courses for the major you will have an opportunity to choose one of two tracks for your remaining courses. “音乐 & Culture” track highlights performance 和 world culture through music, the “音乐 & Technology” track explores 21st century developments in music, as influenced by new electronic 和 computer technologies.

除了学习音乐, we encourage our students to take advantage of their access to world-class professional programs right here on campus. 我们的 音乐专业的学生 have gone on to study 和 work in 音乐表演 和 recording, 音乐疗法, 艺术管理.

For information on how to apply to Roger Williams University, go to the 招生页面. 如果你已经学过音乐理论, you can get information on taking a test-out for 音乐 170 Basic 音乐ianship, the prerequisite to the 音乐 Program's three-course theory sequence, 透过下载 测试描述,或电邮 助理教授埃利奥特·麦金利.


All 音乐专业的学生 will complete a Capstone Project in their senior year. 到目前为止,学生们已经选择了各种各样的选择, 包括组成一个弦乐四重奏, 在录音棚实习, 高级独奏会, a research project on the 心理学 of music in the classroom, the creation of a library of sound samples for use by Film Studies students.

Students will work closely with a 音乐教师 advisor in designing 和 completing their projects. The four basic areas of endeavor are 作曲, performance, research, or internship. Note: A Capstone Project in composition may not be selected unless the student has completed 音乐 470 - 音乐 Theory & 三年级结束前完成作文三.