理查德·L. Bready Stepping Down After 11 years as Chair of RWU Board of Trustees

Former Nortek CEO leaves remarkable legacy of growth, innovation and investment


布里斯托尔,R.I. ——商界领袖、慈善家理查德. Bready will step down after 11 years as chair of the Roger Williams University Board of Trustees on Oct. 25, culminating a tenure that saw RWU transform into a high-quality university known for its innovation, affordability and experiential learning through community engagement.

布雷迪,Nortek Inc .前首席执行官兼董事长.他在RWU董事会任职共22年. The RWU Board of Trustees will announce the new board chair on Monday, Oct. 29.

“Chairman Bready has left an indelible mark on Roger Williams University, helping to lead a remarkable period of growth and dramatic transformation in the University’s reputation and its impact on the communities we serve,RWU临时主席安迪·沃克曼说. “We cannot thank him enough for the countless hours and the substantial resources he has invested in our University. 他将永远留在校园里, not only because the University sailing center bears his name, but because he has been a major catalyst in making RWU the University it is today.”

杰瑞·威廉姆斯, RWU Interim Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, 说大学的规模在扩大, reputation and importance during Bready’s tenure as board chair.

“The one thing that stands out for me is his never-ending desire to help others with his time and generosity,威廉姆斯说. “When you look at the nonprofit boards that he sits on or has chaired, it truly demonstrates his sincere wish to spend time helping others and improving life for so many.”

作为董事会主席, Bready demonstrated the ability to quickly distill and analyze information, 愿意倾听一个问题的各方意见, 承诺指导他人, 真正的慷慨, 无论是在时间上还是在金钱上, 威廉姆斯说. “他的天赋给学校带来了巨大的改变, 整个校园社区都为此感谢他,他说.

Bready grew up in Boston and studied economics and Shakespearean literature at St. 安塞尔姆学院,在曼彻斯特,N.H.1965年毕业. In 1966, he earned a master’s degree in accounting from Northeastern University. 2008年,他获得了荣誉博士学位 企业管理 从RWU.

Bready served as Nortek’s chair and chief executive officer from 1990 to 2011. 自2007年以来,他一直担任RWU董事会主席. 他目前在董事会的任期始于2005年. 他曾于1984年至1993年担任董事会成员. In addition, he was a member of the RWU 法学院 Board of Directors from 2008 to 2014.

2007年,布雷迪成立了 理查德·L. 布雷迪少数族裔奖学金, providing financial assistance for under-represented students who consistently maintain high academic standards.

2015年,RWU奉献了 理查德·L. 布雷迪山希望湾帆船教育中心 – a completely donor-funded waterfront facility that serves as home to the national powerhouse RWU sailing team and an educational facility for students of all ages from across campus and the Ocean State.

此外,布雷迪一直是一个强有力的支持者 School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management Labs 项目. The board will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the SECCM Labs building at 4:30 p.m. 周四,10月. 25岁,在RWU的布里斯托尔校区. 27个,000平方英尺, three-story structure will be an important addition to the University at a time when the School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management is experiencing major growth.

Bready expressed gratitude for the chance to help build RWU into the vital institution it is today.

“I would like to sincerely thank you for such a fantastic opportunity to serve on the Board of Trustees for more than 20 years,他说. “I appreciate your faith in my abilities and certainly did my very best to build Roger Williams University to where it stands today. 我永远感激你对我的信任.”

当被问及他希望自己在RWU留下什么遗产时, Bready说, “我在这所大学变得更好的过程中发挥了作用.”