
Rosalvens Saint Jean

Rosalvens Saint Jean, RWU 2018届毕业生

专业:  会计 + 管理
小:  现代语言

It’s no surprise Rosalvens Saint Jean already had a full-time job with one of the world’s top public accounting firms lined up before he graduated. He had taken every opportunity to grow his skills and knowledge through hands-on 学习 experiences at Roger Williams University and multiple internships with great companies.

And he’s doing the same to launch a rising career as part of the accounting staff at 恩斯特 & 年轻的. 他从普通员工一步步晋升到高级职位, and then becoming manager after passing the Certified Public Accountant exam, 圣珍说这就像重新回到了学校.

“我现在的工作主要是学习,”他说. His work rotates through the different tax service lines – compliance, 国际税务服务, 伙伴关系, for example – to familiarize him with those fields and to help determine which area he wants to choose to concentrate in give when he takes on a senior role. “It’s like going through the business program at Roger Williams, 你在哪里上会计课, 管理, 经济学, 我知道我想做会计.”

So much of his education at RWU prepared him for these busy days of 学习, 研究, 为各种各样的客户准备纳税申报表, 从生物制药到房地产和政府信托.

“School teaches you how to work – how to be focused and how to prioritize,” he says.

But it also gave him hard skills that he’s applying to his work now. He’d had experience preparing tax returns in class and for real clients, 同时也在做报税软件程序.

“Professor McQuilken would always tell us it’s not just about the reading, 你必须理解它并知道如何应用它. 当我来到安永的时候, you’re given work like an audit of a financial statement and it’s up to you to know what you’re looking for in the financial statements and how to apply the concepts.”

通过RWU的会计项目, Saint Jean participated in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, working with low-to-moderate income families to prepare tax returns free of charge. “That really shows you how to apply what you learn in a textbook in a real-world situation. I was dealing with real clients, doing returns for individuals in Providence. Coming here to a big accounting firm and already knowing how to work with people and navigate different software programs, 这些技能至关重要.”

Between his busy schedule as a double major in accounting and 管理, 辅修法语, Saint Jean also made time to complete three internships – one in marketing with Clavis Insight, 在安永会计师事务所做过两次管理和会计方面的实习 & 年轻的, which helped get his foot in the door at the major accounting firm. 他也是学生商业兄弟会的一员, Sigma, 加入了RWU的海地鹰队.

他所有的努力工作使他走到了人生的这一步, and he’s never passed up an opportunity to deepen his education. 出生在米雷巴莱, 海地, Saint Jean dedicated himself to his schoolwork while his six siblings took on jobs to help their single mother make ends meet in their new home in Boston. “We left 海地 for economic reasons – we decided to come here because we wanted a better life.” He’s proud to be a first-generation college student and graduate.

“When I moved to Boston I had no idea I’d attend a four-year university and work at a public accounting firm. 我努力工作, 在学校抓住一切机会, and got offered a full-time position at EY while I was a senior. 这是一个梦想成真.”