Cybersecurity & Networking

The B.S. in Cybersecurity & 网络计划是一个四(4)年制本科理学学士课程,旨在满足网络安全和网络防御行业日益增长的专业需求. 我们的学习计划(PoS)由国家安全局(NSA)验证。.

Cutting-Edge Technology 

In the Forensics and Networking Security (FANS) lab, 学生们使用尖端技术来学习如何解决黑客和网络攻击问题,并发现如何获取, 分析和管理从计算机或移动设备收集的证据.

CAE-C Designation

Roger Williams University has been designated as a 国家网络防御学术卓越中心(CAE-CD) for the validated program of study, Cybersecurity & Networking B.S., through the academic year 2028.


The 网络安全、应用、研究和网络防御战略中心(卡) 罗杰威廉姆斯大学(RWU)是一个跨学科和校际教育中心, research, training, and community outreach.

这些卡片为网络安全工作人员提供必要的知识和技能, 以及通过学位课程在网络安全和隐私的各个方面的学习平台, professional certificates, training opportunities, research, and community outreach. CARDS is housed in RWU’s School of Justice Studies, 哪个学校致力于跨学科和校际教育.

Hands-On Approach to Cybersecurity 

This program, designed by faculty experts and industry professionals, 为学生提供学习与TCP/IP网络相关的计算和技术方面的机会, Digital Forensics, Penetration Testing, Cryptography, and Cybersecurity. In particular, 该计划允许在前三年的学习中在信息技术安全以及网络技能方面有广泛的背景, 然后让学生在一个学期的实习和额外的高级课程中练习和发展这些技能.

法医学和网络安全实验室的教授兼学生Instruction focuses on a hands-on approach to computers, routers, switches and other technologies as a basis for study, 并增加了安全重点,以便深入了解处理敏感数据和来自内部和外部威胁的黑客攻击企图的现代公司的安全需求.  This hands-on experience is offered in a variety of ways, 包括亲身体验物理硬件和软件, simulation packages such as Cisco’s Packettracer and Labsim, and segmented virtual environments to explore and practice in.

该计划以it为导向,但以安全为导向,将为学生提供适合网络管理等领域工作的各种必要技能, IT security specialist, firewalling support, penetration testing, packet analysis, and other IT support roles within the networking, security, or IT departments of organizations. 此外,许多课程都是围绕行业标准考试(如.g. A+, N+, S+, CCNA, GPEN, CISSP, 等等),如果学生希望在课程期间或以后的时间里追求这些有价值的证书,以证明能力和技能的相关性.

Success By The Numbers

100% graphic

Real-World Experience


$52,000 graphic

Average Starting Salary

of our 2021 graduates.

96 percent graphic

Placement of 2021 Grads

Even with the challenges of the pandemic, 我们的2021名SJS毕业生在毕业后6个月内成功就业或进入研究生院.

Degree Requirements

Internship Certainty

Two students working on a forensics project Every Cybersecurity & Networking major completes a guaranteed internship. 您将在实时实践中实施课堂理论,并体验在行业中工作的感觉.

Often, these internships lead to full-time job offers. Internship placements include Dell SecureWorks, Raytheon, Security Weekly, MediTech, FM Global, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, and Police Crime Lab. 

Learn from Faculty Experts

Headshot of Shakour Abuzneid Shakour Abuzneid, Ph.D. 
Professor and Director of Cybersecurity and Networking 

Shakour Abuzneid他的专长包括计算机科学和工程领域, computer communications, networks, computer and network security, cybersecurity, wireless and mobile communications, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). His current research interests include IoT design, wireless sensor networks, cloud security, wireless/mobile communications, and intrusion detection systems using machine learning.  

“我相信将行业需求与课程相结合. 我们应该紧跟科技潮流,让我们的学生在毕业后进入劳动力市场时处于有利地位," he said. “在我们的项目中,学生将精通理论和实践.” 

Graduates Shares Their Success 

Kasey Litchford"Because it’s a newer branch, cyber can be very competitive. RWU prepared me to compete and get that slot for cyber. I attribute it to the program Doug White has cultivated, 还有我们校园里的一些课外小组."

Kasey Litchford '22
Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army’s Cyber Branch
Major: Cybersecurity & Networking
More: 网络安全项目帮助荣誉学生在美国获得竞争地位.S. Army

Headshot of Anthony Mosesso“我从罗杰威廉姆斯获得的学位使我能够拓展到不同的职业道路. 我可以尝试很多不同的主题,比如事件响应和软件工程.” 


Anthony Mosesso '18  
Senior Security Analyst at Hubspot in Cambridge, Mass.
Major: Cybersecurity & Networking
More: First Responder to Cyber Attacks

Juris Doctor/Bachelor's 3+3 Accelerated Program (J.D.)

通过RWU的三加三法律课程,在六年内获得学士学位和法学博士学位. You’ll get a jump-start on your J.D. 通过将法律课程整合到你的本科学习中,并在法学院的第一年完成本科要求. 被录取的学生将在法学院学习第一年的课程以及法律选修课程,以满足本科第四年的要求. 感兴趣的学生必须在本科学习早期表明他们想要攻读3+3课程的意图,以便进行课程规划和咨询.

Learn More About the 3+3 Program