多样性、股票 & 包容: Student Access, Success 和 Equity

Roger Williams University is an open, accepting 和 affirming community of citizen scholars. We st和 firmly committed to creating a campus that is diverse 和 inclusive as well as welcoming to 和 accepting of all people regardless of race, 种族, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 能力, 社会经济类, 年龄还是精神.

We reflect this in our many programs, 倡议, 组织, 和 clubs throughout the university, ranging from our undergraduate programs to the 法学院.


The Roger Williams University community has committed to 多样性, 尊重所有种族, 种族, 性别, 身份和能力, 和 access to an affordable education. Our 多样性, equity, 和 包容 efforts are embedded within our 战略行动计划 和 are essential to our institutional direction.



关注我们的Instagram账号: 跨文化中心QTRAC 获取提示和更新.


关注我们的脸谱网账号: RWU跨文化中心



在RWU, you can connect with students of many different backgrounds from around the country 和 around the world:


image of students dancing at Noche Latina Night hosted by Hispanic 和 Latina Student Association 2019 The 跨文化中心 creates transformative, capacity building experiences for minoritized student populations that leverage high-impact practices to close opportunity gaps 和 help students find success at - 和 beyond - college.


Queer 和 Trans Student Initiatives

Five Roger Williams Students attending the Fall 2017 Queer 和 Trans Welcome Reception.在RWU, we work with 和 support students to raise awareness 和 acceptance of the various communities that make up our larger 酷儿 和 trans community (for example; lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 双性, 无性, 泛性的, 或者质疑社区). Through the 跨文化中心 和 the QTRAC, we offer a direct resource area for all members of the 酷儿 和 trans communities 和 their allies.



image of students on RWU campus和平(同伴赋权), 运动/宣传, 和 Community Engagement) is a community of students who value equity, 多样性, 包容, 跨文化学习, 社区参与, 社会正义行动主义. The program seeks to build strong leaders who underst和 the importance of critical social justice literacy 和 fluency.
