Anthropology + Sociology

我们独特的人类学+社会学课程将这两种社会科学的思想和方法结合到社会变革的综合研究中, diversity and cultural awareness, both locally and globally. 您将建立强大的动手研究技能,为您在社区和社会服务领域的职业生涯做好准备, for-profit business, or an advanced degree in law, education, social work or public policy.

Degree Requirements

Program Requirements

Majors pursuing a Bachelor of Arts 必须满足大学核心课程要求,包括数学要求(

MATH 124 - Basic Statistics

, is recommended); the College speech requirement,

COMM 210

; the courses listed below; and a sufficient number of electives to total 120 credits.


Required Courses

Foundation Courses

The five courses listed below are required of all majors:

Elective Requirements

Eight additional Anthropology and Sociology courses, 这些课程中至少有三门必须达到300分或以上.

Program Requirements

Required Courses

Hands-On Research

A group of Anthropology + Sociology majors pose togetherDuring your senior year, 你将有机会通过人类学和社会学的视角运用你的定性研究技能. In the capstone course, ANSOC 400: Senior Seminar, students engage in original research of their choosing. You'll develop your own research question, research protocol, conduct the research, 然后在专业学术会议上分析和展示你的发现,并向你的同龄人和大学的教职员工展示.

These are some examples of students' research:

Kailey DeFina '23
Thesis with Distinction

Tobias Pydych '23
Thesis with Distinction

Jeraldyn Ramirez '23
Thesis with Distinction

Rachel Barrows '22
Thesis with Distinction

Racquelle Blanchette '22
"I Didn't Choose The Mug Life, 马克杯生活选择了我:罗德岛咖啡店的审美和身份表现
Thesis With Distinction

Mikala Nims '21
Thesis With Distinction

Elizabeth West '20
Thesis With Distinction

AnnaMarie Bakovic '19

Jonica Degrasse '19          
Refugee Narratives: Reaching the Dream Together

ANSOC 2022 graduates at the May 2022 graduation ceremony

Preparing for Successful Careers

alumni panel

我们的学生在整个项目中为成功的职业生涯做好准备, with a particularly strong focus in your senior year. The A+S department partners with the RWU Center for Career & Professional Development to help each student 培养个人面试、建立人际关系和社交技巧, and to host informal coffee hours, 学生们可以在哪里与职业顾问见面,并在准备求职和面试方面获得建议. In the spring, 我们提出了一个校友小组,专门针对我们目前的本科生关于他们可以用人类学和社会学学位做什么的问题. In addition to making our students career-ready, 我们还为学生提供参加和出席专业会议的机会, 学生在哪里与该领域的专家分享他们的研究,并建立联系,为就业机会打开大门. 

Our Thriving Alumni

我们的专业,辅修和核心集中发现自己在所有不同的职业领域. However, 许多人利用了他们在人类学和社会学课程中所学到的技能. They believe their courses made them more culturally sensitive, 这也体现在他们的工作和与同事的互动中. 我们的校友说,这些是人类学+社会学项目为他们提供的一些素质和技能:

  • By understanding people of a variety of values, principles, commitments, and backgrounds, they effectively work with and for people and institutions.
  • 灌输对群体动态的关注和理解.
  • 理解人们参与世界的不同视角的能力.
  • 人类学+社会学课程的重点是涉及合作的动手项目, 数据收集和分析直接转化为对工作场所社会互动的理解.

 Alexis Wozdusiewicz, Jeraldyn Ramirez, Rachel Barrows和Jason PatchCelebrating Student Excellence

祝贺2022年最佳新生奖得主Alexis Wozdusiewicz, Jeraldyn Ramirez, and Rachel Barrows.

这些学生代表了人类学+社会学学生的一个特殊的新群体 . 他们在课堂上表现出色,在学业上表现优异,并表达了部门的价值观.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Integration of anthropology and sociology
  2. “Hands‐on” applied learning
  3. Global competency
  4. Value of service
  5. Original research
  6. 批判性参与,要求在学习中进行深思熟虑和质疑性的参与