

RWU 2023-24毕业生COA


Mandatory Semester Fees are charged to all students in a graduate program on a per semester basis.

  • 建筑学学期费用$475
  • 全日制学期费用(非arch 9或更多学分)$475
  • 兼职学期费用(非arch少于9学分)160美元
  • 在线学期费用(仅限在线课程)145美元
  • 连续注册费(如适用)$300



  • 保健服务$200
  • 娱乐中心$50
  • 停车费$87.50


  • 申请费$50
  • 注册按金$200
  • 滞纳金$325




2023年秋季 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)$1,812
  • 三个信用等级5436美元
  • 每学期学费(12-19学分)21,744美元
  • 学费(每学分)1290美元
  • 3学分课程$3,870
  • 5学分类$6,450
  • 制作费2437美元

**For students who enrolled in the Architecture program prior to fall 2019 under the Affordable Excellence initiative, 请在此查看房价详情.**

-保护实践理学硕士, 保存操作规程(证书), 房地产(证书), 城市 & 区域规划(证书)

2023年秋季 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)1091美元
  • 三个信用等级$3,273

马里奥·J. 加贝利商学院


2023年秋季 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)1091美元
  • 三个信用等级$3,273



2023年秋天,2024年冬天 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)719美元
  • 三个学分$2,157


-领导科学硕士, 公共管理硕士, 领导(证书), 公共管理(证书), 医疗行政(证书)

2023年秋季 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)719美元
  • 三个学分$2,157

-刑事司法理学硕士, 网络安全理学硕士, 网络安全文学硕士, 数码鉴证(证书), 网络安全(证书), Cyberspecialist(证书)

2023年秋季 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)1091美元
  • 三个信用等级$3,273



2023年秋季 & 2024年春季
  • 学费(每学分)1091美元
  • 三个信用等级$3,273


RWU的学费、杂费和其他相关费用每年由RWU董事会批准.  RWU faculty and staff have designed and adapted many aspects of the traditional campus experiences and classroom instruction for our students, all of which factor into our cost and pricing decisions for the university and its program inclusive of 法学院 and 网赌的十大网站 programs. RWU继续在技术方面进行重大投资, 培训, 以及安全卫生资源, which have been made available to ensure the continued quality educational experience for our students, 无论是亲自访问还是远程访问. 与我们过去的政策一致, tuition and mandatory fees will not be adjusted based on the instructional method and/or mode of academic delivery or any other changes or disruptions that may occur during the academic year such as adjustments to instructional content, 时间表或学期的持续时间, 无法使用网赌的十大网站维护的设施, 或取消活动, 事件, 服务或项目. 学费和强制性费用将不因任何原因全部或部分退还, 除非另有明文规定 退款政策. 通过支付学费和其他强制性费用, 学生和任何代表他们支付学费的人承认并接受这些条款.

Roger Williams University and Roger Williams University 法学院 recognize that the increasing cost of higher education has a serious impact on the ability of potential students to further their education; and this is especially true where there is more than one college-age child within a family.  The cost often impedes a student and his or her family from considering their top choice college/university.  In an effort to allow potential students and their families to have access to and the choice of considering Roger Williams University and the Roger Williams 法学院, the University has established a tuition discount in situations in which multiple siblings attend the University and/or the Law School.

If two or more siblings or step-siblings from a blended family are enrolled simultaneously as full-time students at Roger Williams University as undergraduate or graduate students, 和/或网赌的十大网站法学院, 学生将获得学费折扣.  The siblings must have been accepted for admission to one or more of the component parts of the University or the Law School in accordance with all normal admission standards. 

The tuition discount rate for siblings enrolled full-time at the University or Law School is as follows:


  1. 一名学生注册,不打折
  2. 两名学生报名-每位学生打九折
  3. Three students enrolled – 10% discount for the first two students; 20% discount for the third student
  4. Four or more students enrolled - 10% discount for the first two students; 20% discount for the third student; 25% discount for each of the fourth and any additional students
  • 折扣须按每名兄弟姐妹的网赌的十大网站年份(i.e., 首先注册成为一名本科生, graduate or law school student) and the discount shall continue to be applied based upon continuous years of enrollment at the University/法学院.  If a sibling has a break of one academic year or more (either within a degree program or moving from one degree to another), 依本政策之规定,其网赌的十大网站日期须重新订定.
  • 如果折扣涉及两个以上的兄弟姐妹在相同的注册日期, 学费越少,折扣率越高.

兄弟姐妹s are eligible for tuition discount before the age of twenty–four (24) for the undergraduate program and before the age of twenty-six (26) for the graduate program and the 法学院.  The tuition discount for students shall be terminated at the end of the semester in which the student reaches the age of 24 or 26, 视情况而定.

Any financial aid awarded to a sibling would reflect the discount prior to being awarded the financial aid. (这只适用于所有全额学费奖学金.)

该折扣不得追溯适用, 并且不能与任何其他公布的学费折扣合并.


The 财务主管 shall demand adequate proof that a student is eligible for the sibling tuition discount.  在大多数情况下,所需的证明将是出生证明或收养证明的副本.

全日制招生 – This policy applies to siblings enrolled full-time (12 credits minimum) in an undergraduate day program leading to a Bachelor’s Degree; full-time (9 credits minimum) in a graduate program leading to a Master’s Degree; and full-time (12 credits minimum) in a 法学院 program leading to a Juris Doctorate.

兄弟姐妹 – One or more individuals having at least one common parent, either biological or legally adopted.

一步的兄弟 -居住在同一家庭的一个或多个混合家庭成员.

家庭 -除了核心家庭或单亲家庭的标准定义之外, 就本政策而言, 一个家庭可能由一个或多个兄弟姐妹与一个父母住在一起的情况组成, and one or more siblings reside with another parent; or one or more siblings reside in the care of a third party.

混合家庭 – A blended family consists of a situation in which siblings of one parent are not related in a biological or adopted way with siblings of another parent, 虽然所有的兄弟姐妹都住在同一个家庭.