

安东尼·斯蒂德,RWU 2024届毕业生

主要:  人类学+社会学

What interests you the most about 人类学+社会学?

人类学+社会学 gives me answers to questions about society and culture. I am interested in issues like colorism, socio-economic status, and inequality. 所有这些问题都让人感觉“太大”而无法回答. 人类学+社会学 gives me tools and research to help me come up with answers on these big issues on my own. This major helps you break down any part of society to see how things are the way they are, and then work backwards – to help contribute to fixing these bigger issues, 喜欢不平等, 从头开始.


这是一个棘手的问题. I really liked Cities and Societies because I am so interested in gentrification. 我也很喜欢时装和艺术, which helped me examine who sets fashions trends and how they are adopted, 和定性方法, which was the first time I was able to develop a research project the way I wanted. After completing the methods class, I felt that I could write about anything.


我有过两次实习经历. My first internship was over two months at Family Resources in Central New Jersey. I contributed by helping with event planning and administrative work. 我的第二次实习是在去年夏天. I was a Research Intern at Mystic Seaport Museum for the Reimagining New England History Program. 我在教育部工作. This was by far one of the best work experiences I have had. I partnered with an intern who is an Education Major at Brown University. We worked together to create after school programs based on BIPOC maritime history. 我学到了很多. We created a Sailors Valentines Lesson – around the origin story that Black women in Barbados made valentines for sailors so they could earn extra income. We also developed programs centering on indigenous history in New England, 专注于独木舟, 用于烹饪和治疗的河流草药和补救措施. By the end of the internship, we had developed 13 lesson plans. Additionally, we developed community wide events that community members could help lead. This internship showed me that the museum is for everyone, 社区合作伙伴在这一过程中至关重要.


我正在考虑三个项目. Food deserts, accessibility and food insecurity interest me. I am also interested in the ‘hidden truths’ of different music genres. How come some history’s and ‘firsts’ in music are not known in the mainstream?


我是Almedia公寓的住宿助理, 我是理发店的副总裁, 一个促进团结和赋权的BIPOC男性团体, and I have worked at the Intercultural Center for three years as a work study student. 主修人类学和社会学, I have two minors: Business Administration and Political Science.


我在等研究生网赌的十大网站. 我想先提高我的职业技能. I would like to continue to work in museums and in other venues where I can make change. I am really interested in the changes that museums can bring. Not all museums are neutral – as some museums accept funding from a variety of sources and have ‘agendas’ and I am interested in how I can better understand that concept. 在未来的工作方面, I am thinking about how I can help create a better system of education and limit corruption within different educational fields.


让自己接受新的体验! 把注意力集中在你感兴趣的事情上. 课堂会让你大开眼界. 无论是大声说出来还是对自己说——问题. 不要拖延,否则会更难.