
With four years of field experiences integrated into the curriculum and exploration of a broad spectrum of classroom subjects and school settings, 我们的基础教育毕业生毕业后准备教育下一代学生.

Kerri Ullucci的照片

Kerri Ullucci教授的新书揭示了K-12学校的种族主义

At RWU, 在过去的13年里,Kerri Ullucci一直在教导她的教育学生多样性的重要性, equity, 以及课堂上的包容性. 她的新书由哥伦比亚大学著名的师范学院出版社出版, she’s sharing her expertise on race and inclusive teaching practices with a wider audience in the education field. Read more here

这个专业是由 教育部.





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Percentage of Elementary and Eecondary Education majors who get direct experience working in classrooms in local schools starting their first year.

4 plus 1 graphic


Our Education students have the opportunity to efficiently earn a master’s degree in Special Education with only one additional year of study.




In the RWU 教育部 there is a simple philosophy: The best place to teach a student how to be a teacher is inside a K-12 classroom. It's why all four years our students spend an extensive amount of time inside elementary and secondary classrooms working with students and learning from practicing teachers.



从大一开始. 作为课程的一部分, 新生们和教授们一起参观了小学教室. On these visits, RWU的学生可以看到他们在课程中学习的理论和方法变得生动起来. 



Sophomore year, students are part of RWU's new residency model that places RWU students in an elementary school for an entire year under the supervision of a host teacher and RWU education faculty member. 这种广泛的以课堂为基础的经验有助于RWU学生为毕业后的成功做好准备.



大三的经历强化了理论与实践的结合. Juniors complete field practicums that let them apply what they are learning in their courses to real classrooms. Through this, RWU的学生获得了在自己的课堂上有效教学所需的经验.



大四是RWU教师培训项目的巅峰阶段. Students complete their student teaching experience where they take all the skills they have developed and apply it in an elementary classroom to show they are ready to be effective teachers upon graduation.



Abigail Higgins, RWU Class of 2020

Most teacher candidates at university-based programs don't have extensive faculty-supervised K-12 classroom time until their senior year. As a sophomore, elementary education major Abigail Higgins is breaking that mold thanks to the new elementary teacher residency model at RWU.

Read full story


每年任科学教育副教授 Li-Ling Yang 与工程助理教授Maija Benitz合作,主持Kid Wind项目, bringing hundreds of local fourth graders to campus to learn engineering design principles from RWU education and engineering students.  

RWU的学生和小学生在教室里观看一个关于风能的项目“这个项目使RWU的学生和布里斯托尔-沃伦学区的学生都受益. My students develop their expertise in creating developmentally appropriate science lessons for elementary students, 贝尼茨的学生正在学习风能,” said Yang. 

“这样的项目可以让你为现实世界的教学做好准备,小学教育专业的毕业生马特·图罗说. “We’re in charge of making the lessons by ourselves and delivering the information for the students to learn about specific concepts while achieving certain standards. 这是一个过渡到教自己的课堂.” 

Study Abroad

出国留学,让自己沉浸在一种新的文化和语言中. RWU在不同的地理区域有广泛的机会, 包括短期和学期的经历. Living and learning in another country helps prepare you to work in a culturally diverse setting and teach a global classroom.


在一个安全的空间里,获得对教学的信心,从错误中吸取教训 Mursion,一个虚拟教学模拟程序. 你将练习有效的沟通和行为管理技巧, 为自己在学生教学实习和职业生涯中的成功做好准备. RWU是罗德岛唯一一所提供这种虚拟体验的学校.  

 Learning Outcomes 

The RWU 小学教育 program is designed to meet the learning outcomes as articulated by the Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards.

Learning Outcomes

 School Placements

我们将学生安排在一些当地学校进行课堂体验. We partner with schools and their staff to ensure a quality and meaningful experience for both our students and the students at our partner schools. 合作学校从城市学校到郊区学校都有. 与我们合作的学校包括:

  • Alice M. 沃丁顿学校,东普罗维登斯,罗德岛
  • 克莱本佩尔小学,纽波特,RI
  • George J. 西,普罗维登斯,罗德岛
  • 马萨诸塞州新贝德福德全球学习特许学校
  • 休科尔小学,沃伦,RI
  • 肯特高地小学,东普罗维登斯,RI 
  • 罗瑞州沃伦市Kickemuit中学
  • Myron J. 弗朗西斯小学,东普罗维登斯,RI
  • Pocasset小学,Tiverton, RI
  • 罗克韦尔小学,布里斯托尔,RI
  • Segue学习学院,中央瀑布,RI
  • St. 菲洛梅娜学校,朴茨茅斯,罗德岛 
  • Tiverton中学,Tiverton, RI
  • William S. 格林小学,福尔里弗,马萨诸塞州

看看我们和乔治·J·肯尼迪的合作. West looks like. We partner deeply with West to ensure we prepare effective teachers and boost student achievement by aligning our goals and resources with the school.


All teacher education programs at Roger Williams University are approved by the Rhode Island 教育部. 根据国家教师教育和认证主任协会(NASDTEC)的协议, 我们的毕业生有资格在罗德岛州和除阿拉斯加以外的所有其他州获得认证, Iowa and Minnesota.

RWU discloses that the Master of Arts in Special Education and Bachelor of Arts in Education do not satisfy all educational requirements for licensure as an elementary or secondary public-school educator. 认证和执照要求由罗德岛州教育部(RIDE)制定。, 以及有兴趣了解RIDE要求的学生, 包括国家互惠政策, 应该通过 RIDE website or the students’ resident state websites for the most current information on licensure requirements for educators.

Employment 一位实习教师和三个年轻学生站在一张桌子旁边

Because of the broad spectrum of school settings and experiences RWU students explore through four years of field experiences integrated into your curriculum, 我们的毕业生是高技能和高价值的. RWU最近的毕业生已被以下地区的学区聘用:


  • Achievement First
  • 阿戈西大学宪章
  • 巴林顿国际扶轮公立学校
  • 布里斯托-沃伦国际扶轮公立学校
  • 波士顿公立学校
  • 布鲁克林,麻萨诸塞州公立学校
  • 丹佛公立学校
  • 福尔里弗,马萨诸塞州公立学校
  • 第一光明市长学院,普罗维登斯,RI
  • 弗雷明汉公立学校
  • Global Charter
  • Meeting St.
  • 哈兰成功学院
  • 公立学校——法语浸入式教育
  • Natick MA公立学校
  • 新贝德福德,马萨诸塞州公立学校
  • 牛顿,马萨诸塞州公立学校
  • 公立学校硕士
  • 普罗维登斯公立学校


  • TASIS/Dorado, PR
  • Dominican Republic
  • 圣萨尔瓦多,萨尔瓦多
  • 百慕达公立学校
  • 西班牙马德里国际学校


特殊教育4 + 1课程

一位实习教师坐在教室里给一群年轻的学生读一本绘本Recognizing the growing demand for all educators to possess specific skills in supporting students with exceptionalities, the M.A. Special Education program provides a perfect complement to the undergraduate initial teaching certification programs and related degrees offered at RWU. RWU undergraduate students with an interest in working in special education can earn six graduate credits in the M.A. Special Education program during their senior year and continue on in one additional year of full-time study (either elementary or secondary special education).  


Graduate Study

教育永不停止. Certified teachers have the opportunity to earn a Master of Arts in Literacy Education from RWU leading to advanced certification as a Reading Specialist (K-12).

对于那些想在其他学科获得硕士学位的人, 我们的学生参加了以下学校的项目:

  • Brown University
  • Boston University
  • Boston College
  • Drexel University
  • Lesley University
  • 路易斯安那州立大学
  • Merrimack College
  • Simmons College
  • 佐治亚大学
  • 马萨诸塞大学:阿默斯特分校 & Lowell
  • 罗德岛大学
  • 罗德岛学院
  • 海外:爱丁堡大学,高威NUI,都柏林网赌的十大网站


通过RWU的三加三法律课程,在六年内获得学士学位和法学博士学位. 你会得到一个快速启动你的J.D. by integrating law courses into your undergraduate studies and completing undergraduate requirements in your first year of law school. Accepted students will take first-year courses in the School of Law along with legal electives to fulfill undergraduate fourth-year requirements. Interested students must indicate their intent to pursue a 3+3 pathway early in their undergraduate studies for curriculum planning and advising.



我们维护青年固有的尊严. In doing so, 我们相信公平是教育努力的核心, 代表权和司法必须齐头并进,以改善边缘化学习者的成果.


  • 致力于积极的社会正义和反种族主义
  • 与所有青年进行人性化的互动,为他们的福祉服务
  • 通过倾听,共同努力实现我们社区的公平, engaging, 同时表现出谦逊和勇气.