

We often associate the college search and admission process with stress and overwhelm, 但这不是必须的. 观点的转变会让一切变得不同.

Amy Tiberio,负责招生管理的副校长

There are thousands of incredible colleges in the United States, and so many amazing opportunities for what you might want to learn, 你可以拥有的经历, 以及你可以参与和追求你的激情的方式. 在我看来,这本身就很令人兴奋! So, how about letting your college search be exciting rather than stressful? 你可能会想:“理论上听起来不错, 但实际上有很多事情需要担心.” Allow me to offer an alternative perspective on some of these.


1. 上大学是不可能的! The acceptance rates at the best schools are in the single digits.

Well, no, it’s just not true that getting into college is impossible. 确定, the very few most-selective colleges have acceptance rates in the single digits, but there are thousands of other wonderful and high-quality colleges out there. 事实上,这些大学可能更适合你. Ask yourself why it’s so important to get admitted to one of these uber-selective colleges. The reality is that the selectivity of the college you attend has no correlation with your likelihood to be successful and to have a fulfilling life. 秘诀在于:你如何看待它. 如果你抓住机会, 挑战你自己, 并吸收一系列的经验, you are taking the best and most tried-and-true actions for future success. 

2. College is so expensive and the thought of affording it is stressful.

当然,上得起大学是一个非常重要的考虑因素. And, I agree, the published prices of many colleges seem incredibly high and out-of-reach for many. 所以,考虑这两点. First, there truly are many opportunities for scholarships and financial aid. 利用大学的 净价计算器 (在这里了解更多有关它们如何工作的信息),以便更实际地了解你的成本. And, pursue outside scholarships from organizations and corporations that make funding available. Second, every student’s path to a bachelor’s degree can look different. 从RWU网赌的十大网站这样的项目开始, or at a community college with a pathway that provides transfer credit into a bachelor’s program can be a good solution for affordability. There is no shame in taking the pathway that works best for you. 不要让任何人改变你的想法. 

3. 网赌的十大网站 committees want to see applicants who are extraordinarily well-rounded, 你上过100门AP课吗, 能说9种语言, 会20种乐器,但那不是我.

It’s a myth that all admission committees are looking for the same type of student. 事实上, it’s really the opposite – we want to enroll a class of new students who are diverse in their interests, 背景, 以及生活经历. We never take joy in seeing high school students pursue an activity only because it will look good for college when, 在现实中, 这根本不是他们喜欢做的事. 我们希望你去探索和发现你喜欢的东西, 我们想让你冒点险, 甚至可能动摇或失败, 并从这些经验中学习. We want you to get closer to understanding your authentic self so we can get to know who that is, and then get excited about welcoming that high-potential person into our community.

4. The COVID pandemic really messed up my academic experience and ability to do a college search.

简而言之,大学理解. 请参阅之前的博客文章 这是专门针对这个话题的. My best advice is to focus on what you can do rather than what you cannot. 大学 have gotten very creative in the ways that we are offering virtual visits, 会话, 以及建立联系的机会. 找出这些人,给他们一个机会. The “traditional” college search timeline and process is out the window. But, that’s OK – follow the timeline that feels right for you. 在这个过程中寻求帮助和建议, and know that things are going to continue to improve over time. 而且,我们真的都在一起!

Much of the stress that students and families feel in this process is imposed on us by others’ opinions and by exaggerations perpetuated by the media. 重新控制你自己的叙述! 让它令人兴奋. 你值得拥有一切!
