
你是一名对市场营销充满热情的学生吗? Do you love writing, social media, video production, or content creation? 你在寻找活力吗, hands-on experience that can help elevate awareness of Roger Williams University? 作为带薪实习生加入MarComm团队.


The office of 市场营销 and Communications is looking for talented and motivated students to work closely with our team of marketing and communications professionals through paid internships. The ideal students should be reliable and interested in helping tell the story of RWU. 

Interns are accepted during Fall and Spring semesters and over summer break. Applicants must have completed a minimum of one year of relevant coursework.




网赌的十大网站市场营销办公室 & 沟通是寻求一个有动力的人, 足智多谋, and tech-savvy student to serve as a 社交媒体 Intern. The intern will work directly with the 社交媒体 Manager to strategize, 工艺, 并为所有平台执行内容, 包括学校的Instagram, 脸谱网, Snapchat, TikTok, 线程, 推特, 和YouTube账号. Applicants should have a strong level of experience with these channels, 良好的写作能力, 组织技能, 具有团队合作和独立工作的能力, 还有创造力. 


RWU编辑实习生s assist the University 市场营销 and Communications Department with writing the university news and stories of our students, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友. We are seeking creative and technical writers who are enthusiastic about uncovering and telling the compelling stories of our university community and the work we do at RWU.

Our interns work from assignments and from their own ideas, 为了研究这个话题, 准备的问题, 采访时, 写故事, learning the communications process from start to finish. 我们的实习生是一个小型, 紧密联系的沟通团队, 设计和社交媒体专业人士, and participate in content-planning meetings and cross-team collaboration. 作业可能包括长篇作品, 配置文件, 营销材料, 新闻稿, and supporting copy for sharing stories on social media. Students in this position develop an impressive portfolio of published work that may appear on the RWU 新闻 website, RWU杂志, 以及其他大学印刷和数字渠道.


The MarComm学生平面设计师 is responsible for assisting the Creative Director with designing print and web graphics for the university including: fliers, 海报, 手册, 宣传册, 网页横幅等. The position will be responsible for updating and adapting existing graphics as well as producing some graphics from concept through production. This position will help prepare the student for a career in graphic design through hands-on experience, including: communicating with diverse partners from a variety of program areas, 满足项目需求, designing within printer specifications and meeting deadlines. It will also provide the student with design pieces for their portfolio. 这个职位直接向创意总监汇报.


The office of 市场营销 and Communications is looking for three talented and motivated students to work with the content team on multimedia projects with a focus on photography, 视频捕捉, 编辑, 后期制作, 动画, 和动画. Students will be able to create or work with assets in order to produce finished multimedia products that meet an expected level of professional quality.

