

  • 居民学生: Assigned orange permits (prefix 25RS) for Lots A, B, E, F, & G.
  • 非居民通勤学生: Issued green permits (prefix 25CS) for Lots A, B, C, and H.
  • 法学院及研究生: Provided silver permits (prefix 25GS) for Lots A, B, C, D and H.


  • Violators parked outside designated areas will be ticketed and/or towed at their expense.
  • Short-term parking in Lot F (between Seabreeze and Tidewater) and other designated areas is restricted.


  • Guests must apply for a pass online via the student Hawklinks account and picked up at 公共安全 Main Entrance or 公共安全 Headquarters.
  • Pass must be authorized by the students Community Director.
  • Guests must park in the parking garage in North Campus (Lot A). 违反将导致罚款或失去特权.


  • 在第三地段的指定区域内泊车, D, or G or in any regulation spot in the students permit designated lots.
  • 违规者罚款30美元.00及/或拖曳.


  • Get a 20-minute load/unload pass from 公共安全 Main Entrance or 公共安全 Headquarters.
  • 可用的24/7. 违规者可在上诉时被罚款.


  • Designated spaces available for those with state-issued handicap placards.
  • 违章车辆罚款100美元.00及/或拖曳. 欺诈性使用导致学生行为听证会.


  • 可用于医疗需要.
  • 以书面或电子邮件通知公共安全部门.


  • Available at the 停车 and 运输 office or 公共安全 Headquarters.
  • Free for authorized students using another vehicle temporarily. $10.非许可证持有人每周收费00元.


  • Notify 公共安全 immediately if vehicle becomes disabled.
  • Towed at owner/operator expense if causing a dangerous situation.


  • The Winter 停车 Ban (WPB) is implemented due to the unpredictable weather in New England. It begins with the first "declared" snowstorm in November or automatically on December 1 and lasts 从午夜到早上7点,直到3月31日 of the following year. Violating this ban results in ticketing and/or towing, with a fine of $100.00分摊到业主/经营者的帐户.

Normal Winter 停车 Ban (NWPB) Implications for Student 停车

  • 在NWPB期间, 从午夜到早上7点,直到3月31日, overnight student parking is allowed only in On-Campus Resident parking lots/spaces (Orange Permit required), A或B地段(近停车场), 或停车场的第一或第二层.

Extended Winter 停车 Ban (EWPB) Implications for Student 停车

  • 如果有紧急降雪, EWPB的实施时间为午夜至早上7点, 或者根据需要进行扩展. 在EWPB期间, overnight student parking is permitted only in On-Campus Resident parking lots/spaces (Orange Permit required) like Lots C (near Bayside), 地段A(近停车场), 停车场的第一层和第二层. 停车 is prohibited in Lot G (near Stonewall and Willow Residence Halls) and Lots E & F(近湾环).


  • 学生不允许在学院内过夜停车, 工作人员, 或访客停车场/空间, 校园内非居民停车位, H号地段(通勤或下渡轮道停车场), 地段D(北区或法律系学生停车场), or the 停车 Garage roof deck or third level during the WPB (NWPB or EWPB).

Overnight 停车 for Commuter or 研究生 Students, Resident Commuters, Law Students, or Visitors

  • 在WPB期间, overnight parking on the main campus is only allowed in the first or second level of the 停车 Garage, 然后在A中, B, 或C很多.

Leaving Vehicles on Campus during Break Periods or any Extended Time during the WPB

  • Any permitted or registered vehicle left on campus for an extended period during the WPB must be parked in the first or second level of the 停车 Garage and registered with the Department of 公共安全. This includes Athletic Teams, Students, 教师, or 工作人员 traveling during the WPB.


  • Director of 公共安全 may impose temporary parking limitations during special events or emergencies.
  • Information may be announced via various channels or call extension 4400 for details.
  • 停车地图 可供下载/浏览以作参考.