
水生诊断实验室,由博士领导. Galit Sharon, 为贝类和鱼类养殖者提供疾病诊断服务, extension agents and state and federal regulators including: the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Service, the MA Dept. 海洋渔业局主任. 环境管理和美国农业部APHIS. 

The laboratory’s mission is to support aquaculture and associated aquatic animal industries by providing diagnostic services to the aquaculture industry, extension agents and regulators both in Rhode Island and other northeastern states. 

The laboratory focuses on diseases of aquatic animals including fish and shellfish of all types, 主要研究双壳类软体动物的疾病.  We use traditional pathological diagnostic methods combined with cutting edge molecular techniques.

该实验室从事外部资助, aquatic animal health research and trains RWU marine biology students in aquatic animal health diagnostic and care methods using the very latest technology.

ADL于2009年在国际扶轮参议员里德的协助下成立. 这个实验室由史密斯博士领导. Galit Sharon, DVM和她的技术员Abigail Scro, BS.

水生诊断实验室(ADL)是世界卫生组织的一部分 经济与环境发展中心 网赌的十大网站.



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水生诊断实验室由Galit Sharon, DVM领导. The ADL team focuses on grant funded research projects and disease diagnosis for local aquaculturists or researchers.

Throughout the academic year and summer time students at RWU in the ADL actively participate in grant funded and independent research projects along with assisting in disease diagnostic procedures. 许多学生从大一或大二就开始在实验室工作, 作为工作学习(有偿)学生或志愿者, and by their Junior or Senior year take on research projects which often become senior thesis or credit based research projects. 


Contact us with any additional questions and to set up a date and time for sample submission.

Email: gsharon@plunkocity.com

Please call with any additional questions or concerns: Galit Sharon, DVM (401) 254-3299

Our Work

Our laboratory has partnered with URI to develop a quantitative PCR that detects the three most important, 生蚝传染病.  This method is now used by us in all routine eastern oyster diagnostic cases and provides monitoring data for these diseases as well as diagnostic support.  Other laboratories are beginning to institute this method in their diagnostic work.  Histological evaluation is needed in any undiagnosed health problem for both fish and shellfish.  Our lab routinely provides this service to identify causes of disease in an outbreak. 

Additionally, the laboratory provides histological diagnostic service to other researchers in the northeast who need this help in their research. 目前的研究支持, 组织学工作包括对接触有害藻华的贻贝进行评估, 一种原生动物寄生虫在海扇贝中的出现, 牡蛎暴露在塑料纤维中.  

The laboratory helps aquaculturists and regulators to determine the cause of new and unusual outbreaks of disease and by working with extension and state agents to determine cause and helping with remediation efforts both through grants and other funding provided through state and federal agencies.


我们目前的研究涉及流行病学, 分子基础是, the occurrence of neoplasia in hard clams (funded by Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center and the USDA).  这种疾病首次被发现于 Mercenaria Mercenaria (硬蛤)在麻州.  我们已经确定这种疾病是直接传播的, 很可能是由肿瘤细胞引起的, 并且正在影响东北部养殖硬蛤的数量. We are currently evaluating various hard clam populations to determine the extent of the disease in MA and surrounding states and are working with regulatory agencies to determine how to best address the problems caused by this new hard clam disease. 

本实验室已发展出一种定量聚合酶链反应测试方法 弧菌parahemolyticus and V. vulnificus 在牡蛎,水和沉积物样本中.  We have used these methods to identify aquaculture conditions in the northeast U.S. estuaries that may promote the accumulation of this human disease causing bacteria in oysters and other bivalves (funded by RI Sea Grant, MA Sea Grant和NRAC).  目前,我们正在与另一位研究人员(波士顿大学)合作.)来确定的发生和丰度 弧菌parahaemolyticus accumulation in filter feeding oysters that are associated with seaweed culture (RI Sea Grant).

Determination of the microbiome of sea turtles is a recent focus of research (with the Coonamessett Farm Foundation). 确定搁浅的海龟的微生物群. those in the oceans, may help in developing effective stranding treatment methods.

开发新的诊断方法是实验室的一个重要目标.  Molecular detection and quantification test methods currently under development include tests for an important protozoan parasite occurring in sea scallop muscles, and a test for two important protozoan parasites causing morbidity and mortality in marine aquarium fishes.