
祝贺你! We're so excited you are joining the RWU graduate student community.

如果你已经提交了你的 存款, please follow the steps below to make sure you're ready to get started. 如果我们可以为您提供任何帮助,请联系研究生网赌的十大网站办公室,电话:401-254-6200或 gradadmit@plunkocity.com

在提交押金后48小时内, 你应该会收到一封电子邮件,其中包含你所有的RWU账户登录细节,以及你作为学生将访问的每个关键系统的信息. 

RWU邮件: The official University student 电子邮件 system is Gmail. 你可以在 Gmail.plunkocity.com. 您的RWU电子邮件地址是大学与您之间所有电子通信的官方目的地-我们将不再向您在申请中指定的个人电子邮件帐户发送信息. 请务必定期检查您的RWU电子邮件,因为重要的大学通信将只发送到此地址. 所有学生的电子邮件账号都以@g结尾.plunkocity.com. 

罗杰:中部 罗杰中心允许你注册课程, access a number of university systems and services, 复习你的成绩. 传送门位于 rogercentral.plunkocity.com.

Please note that your 罗杰中央 login is your username followed by @academics.rwu. (不包括 .edu)

桥梁学习管理系统: The University uses an online learning management system called 桥梁. 您将使用该系统访问您拥有的任何在线课程或在线提供的作为传统课程一部分的材料. 该系统可在 桥梁.plunkocity.com.

MediaTech帮助台入口:  The technology available at RWU can be overwhelming.  For quick answers to your questions, please visit the MediaTech helpdesk portal.  There is a collection of Knowledge Base articles on the services at the university.  You can also submit a request for help here, 如果需要.  传送门位于 mediatech.plunkocity.com.

ADSelfService加上:  所有 RWU account 密码 are self-managed using the ADSelfService Plus tool.  It is an easy-to-use, secure, web-based end-user password reset management solution.  您可以轻松管理您的密码和解锁您的帐户24/7/365无需呼叫帮助台.  该工具位于 密码.plunkocity.com.

缩放:  该大学使用Zoom进行会议, and it is integrated to be used for online courses through 桥梁.  You will need to create your RWUZoom account, and install the client.  要设置和访问您的帐户,请访问 rwu.变焦.us.  

笔记本电脑维修站:  MediaTech桌面的笔记本电脑维修站服务提供笔记本电脑和台式电脑诊断, 硬件和软件维修, 数据传输, 数据恢复, 清除感染.  所有学生的劳动都是免费的, but students are responsible for purchasing technician-recommended parts, 如果需要. Students 必须 sign the RWU Computer Intake Liability Waiver.

For a list of services, provided please review the 学生笔记本电脑维修范围.

笔记本电脑可放在主图书馆一楼的MediaTech服务台.  如有疑问,请致电401-254-6363或发送电子邮件 mediatech@plunkocity.com



If you are hoping to take advantage of federal student loans, you 必须 complete the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 把它送到RWU. RWU学校代码是003410.

所有 graduate students are considered to be of independent status; parent financial information is no longer required on the FAFSA for determining eligibility for federal student aid. 

如果你想申请经济援助,你需要每年填写一份FAFSA表格. 如果要求的话,你可能还需要向研究生经济援助办公室提供你上一年的纳税申报表的副本,包括所有的时间表.


你差不多可以注册课程了! 在你注册之前,你应该联系你的 项目负责人 为选课提供建议. In order to ensure that all new graduate students register for appropriate courses, we require that you do this prior to registering for your first graduate courses. 

一些研究生课程要求学生在网赌的十大网站介绍时注册课程(仅在8月下旬举行的秋季学期)。. Please consult your 项目负责人 for the most appropriate time to register.

阅读更多关于咨询 & 登记

网赌的十大网站不为研究生提供大学资助的住房. 然而,我们的研究生发现周围地区有充足的住房.

我们已经开发了一个广泛的 毕业生住房资源 来帮助你找房子. 如果你需要帮助, please contact the 研究生招生办公室 at 401-254-6200 or gradadmit@rwu.我们很乐意为您提供帮助.


If you did not graduate from 罗杰威廉姆斯大学, 你必须申请期末考试, 正式的本科成绩单,显示授予的学士学位,在你开始上课之前提交给RWU. 如果你在申请过程中没有提供其他机构的转学或研究生课程的正式成绩单,我们还必须提供这些成绩单. 

Official electronic transcripts can be forwarded to us at gradadmit@plunkocity.com or hard copy transcripts can be mailed to the following address:

布里斯托尔,RI 02809

RWU student transcripts will be obtained on your behalf. Your 存款 reflects your permission to pull your transcripts on your behalf.

提供一个安全健康的学术社区, RWU遵守罗德岛州关于免疫接种的卫生条例,并要求所有全日制人员提供健康保险证明, 校园的学生. 

  • 所有 全日制,在班研究生 须提交RWU免疫接种表格, 结核病(TB)风险筛查问卷, 和COVID-19疫苗接种证明(包括所有所需的疫苗注射)或注册前批准的豁免. 学生应该计划在秋季学期的7月1日之前完成这些表格,但是 必须 have them fully completed before starting classes. 提交你的表格 RWU健康门户网站. You will need your RWU login information to access the system. 请注意,您的表格可能要在您注册课程后48小时才能完成.
  • 所有 在职研究生 是否需要在开学前提交COVID-19疫苗接种证明或获得批准的豁免. Submission instructions will be sent to you via 电子邮件.

Read more about graduate student health requirements

To ensure your success in getting started in your graduate studies, you should plan to attend one of the 研究生 Student 取向s.


Textbooks for each of your classes will be posted on the the 网赌的十大网站书店网站. 一旦你注册了你的课程, you can search for your books by course number and section on the Bookstore website. 一些教授还会在桥梁网站上的课程开始前提供他们的课程大纲,通常包括所需的书籍. 

If your books are not currently listed, they may not have been posted. Try again at a later date or contact your faculty member for more information. Textbooks in many cases can be purchased or rented.

Interested in a way to offset the cost of your books? 考虑申请成为一名 研究生计划大使, which provides a $300 stipend to the Campus Bookstore each semester. 


  • 布里斯托尔校园: 所有研究生都可以拥有私家车, 但是希望在布里斯托尔校园停车的学生需要从公共安全办公室获得有效的停车许可证. 每学期修满9个或以上学分的研究生将需要支付停车许可证年费, which allows you to park in approved student parking lots.
  • 普罗维登斯校园: 研究生 students parking at the 普罗维登斯 campus (1 Empire Plaza, 普罗维登斯, RI 02903) are not required to obtain a parking permit, but you are advised to obtain one if you intend on visiting the Bristol campus. 普罗维登斯校区的学生停车场位于华盛顿街的普罗维登斯公民中心车库. Student parking in the garage is validated by RWU; simply bring your parking ticket to the front desk on the first floor of the RWU campus building.

Read full details about RWU graduate student parking

所有 graduate students 必须 obtain an RWU student ID. 布里斯托尔的学生可以在新生培训期间获得学生证,也可以在开课前的任何时间访问学生证办公室. 普罗维登斯的学生将在迎新会上拍照,并由学术项目协调员提供卡片.

If you wish to avoid the line at 取向 or visiting the ID Office in person, 你可以提交一个明确的, appropriate picture to the 研究生招生办公室 via 电子邮件 and your ID will be made available for you at 取向 or at a later date. 

加入 RWU研究生脸谱网社区 与其他RWU研究生联系,寻找室友,讨论校园生活等等. 


Staying healthy is important as you pursue your graduate studies. 充分利用RWU娱乐中心为您提供的所有娱乐设施, 重量的房间, 有氧运动机, 运动类, 一个游泳池, 和更多的. 会员费是每六个月50美元.

Learn more and purchase access to the Recreation Center

Many students like to earn some extra income while they're in school. 我们创建了一个学生就业网站,为学生提供校内工作,并提供校外工作资源.

Check out graduate student employment opportunities