学院奖学金- W

Warnapala, Yajni.

Warnapala, Yajni. "The numerical solution of the radiosity’s equation via the Galerkin Method: Dirichlet Problem." 跨学科数学杂志 (即将出版).

Warnapala, Yajni和Hy Dinh. 2013. "The numerical solution of the Helmholtz’s Equation for the superellipsoid via the modified Galerkin Method for the Dirichlet Problem."数值分析中的通信, 1-12.

Warnapala, Yajni, Raveena Siegel, and Jane Pleskunas. 2011. "The numerical solution of the exterior boundary value problems for the Helmholtz's Equation for the Pseudosphere."国际应用数学杂志 41 (2): 106-111. 

Warnapala, Yajni和Karishma Silva. 2011. "Z-Score demystified: A critical analysis of the Sri Lankan University Admission Policy."案例研究杂志 2.

Warnapala, Yajni和Elizabeth Morgan. 2009. "The numerical solution of the exterior dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz’s Equation via modified integral equations approach –for the Oval of Cassini." 远东应用数学杂志 34: 1-20.

Warnapala, Yajni和Zufni Yehiya. 2008. "Polarization of Sri Lankan polity: An analysis of presidential elections (1982-2005)." 全球情报与政策杂志 2 (1). 

Warnapala, Yajni和D. 安德森. 2008. "Tests of significance and effect size: meaningful interpretation of statistical data in the Health Sciences." 国际教育杂志 23: 142-158

安德森,迪莉娅·卡斯特罗和亚吉·瓦纳帕拉. 2008. "MS Word Export To Multiple PDF Files Software - Please purchase license.Tests of Significance and Effect Size: Meaningful Interpretation of Statistical Data in the Health Sciences." 教育论文23(冬天) 


克罗克,D. E., R. M. Ortiz, D.S. 豪斯,P.M. 韦布和D. P. Costa. 2012. "Hormone and metabolite changes associated with extended breeding fasts in male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris)."  比较生物化学与生理学 161(4):388-394. 

克罗克,D. E., D.S. 豪瑟和P.M. Webb. 2012. “身体储备对能量消耗的影响, 水通量, and mating success in breeding male northern elephant seals."  生理生化动物学 85(1): 11-20.

克罗克,D.E., D.P. 哥,B.J. Le Boeuf, P.M. 韦布和D.S. Houser. 2006. "Impact of El Niño on the foraging behavior of female northern elephant seals."海洋生态进展系列 309:1-10. 

Ortiz, R.M.,D.E. 克罗克,D.S. 豪瑟和P.M. Webb. 2006. "Angiotensin II and Aldosterone increase with fasting in breeding adult male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris)."生理生化动物学 79(6): 1106-1112. 

Costa, D.P., D.E. 克罗克,J. Gedamke P.M. Webb, D.S. 豪斯,年代.B. 布莱克威尔,D. Waples,年代.A. 海耶斯和B.J. Le Boeuf. 2003. "The effect of a low frequency sound source (Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate) on the diving behavior of juvenile northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris." 美国声学学会杂志 113:1155-1165. 

•D. S.D . Crocker. E.韦布,P. M. D .科斯塔. P. 2001. "Renal function in suckling and fasting pups of the northern elephant seal."比较生物化学与生理学. 129:405-415.

Le Boeuf, B.J., D.E. 克罗克,D.P. Costa, S.B. 布莱克威尔,P.M. 韦布和D.S. Houser. 2000. “北方象海豹的觅食生态."生态专著 70(3):353-382.

Le Boeuf, B.J., D.E. 克罗克,J. 格雷森,我. Gedamke P.M. Webb, S.B. 布莱克威尔和D.P. Costa. 2000. "Respiration and heart rate at the surface between dives in northern elephant seals."实验生物学杂志 203:3265-3274.


韦塞尔,G. (2017). Relaxing Regulatory Controls: Vendor Advocacy and Rights in Mobile Food Vending. In J. Agyman C. 马修斯 & H. 索贝尔(Eds.), From loncheras to lobster love: Food trucks, cultural Identity, and social justice, (pp. 23-45). 剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社. 

Karduni,., Cho, I.韦塞尔,G., Dou, W.里巴斯基,W., & Sauda, E. (2017). Urban activity explorer: Visual analytics and planning support systems. In S. Geertman,. Allan, C. Pettit, & J. 史迪威将军(Eds.), 规划为智慧城市的未来提供科学支持 (pp. 65-76). 斯普林格国际出版社. 

维塞尔,G,卡杜尼,A., & Sauda, E. (2018). The image of the digital: Revisiting Kevin Lunch’s Principles of Urban Legibility. 美国规划协会杂志,84(3-4), 280-283. 

韦塞尔,G., & Airghi,年代. (2015). Negotiating informality: Social and economic strategies of Latino food vendors in San Francisco’s Mission District. 参与都市生活, Peer-reviewed Online Publication, Global Urban Humanities Initiative, UC Berkeley. 2019年11月18日检索自http://part-urbs.com/anthology/negotiating_informality.

韦塞尔,G.齐姆凯维奇,C., & Sauda, E. (2015). Re-evaluating urban space through tweets: An analysis of twitter-based mobile food vendors and online communication. 新媒体 & 社会,18(8), 1636–1656.

韦塞尔,G. (2012). “From place to nonplace: A case study of social media and contemporary food trucks. 城市设计学报,17(4), 511-531.

韦塞尔,G. (2018). Evaluating social and economic trends for transit-oriented development potential using GIS. Planning & Technology Today, American Planning Association, the Newsletter of APA's Technology Division,118(夏季),pp. 4-5. 


白色,斯蒂芬. Building in the Garden: The Architecture of Joseph Allen Stein in India and California. 牛津大学出版社,2003年. 


Zaitchik, M. C., G. L. 伯曼,D. 惠特沃斯和J. Platania. 2007. "The Time is Now: The Emerging Need for Master’s-Level Training in Forensic Psychology." 法医心理学实践杂志 7 (2): 65-71. 


威尔逊,Clanice. 你就是你. AuthorHouse 2009. 


Buffington-Adams J.坎农,M.A., Hernández-Saca, D.I.范德比尔特,S.沃恩,K., & 温菲尔德,.G. (2019). Radical (re)naming through a tapestry of autoethographic voices: Finding healing through dis/ability theorizing.Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. 春天,13 (1). 

温菲尔德,. G. 2018. "Eugenic Ideology and the Institutionalization of the ‘Technofix’ on the Underclass." 在加纳,Alan S. 和马洛,布鲁斯A. The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations. 波士顿:Wiley-Blackwell出版社. 

温菲尔德,.G. (2015). 寄生揭示:在缺乏让步的情况下.International Journal of Curriculum and Social Justice, 1(1),17-39. 

温菲尔德,. G. 2013. "Achieving Ideological Escape Velocity: Becoming an Activist Teacher." In Educational Foundations: An Anthology of Critical Readings,由Canestrari, A. and B. Marlowe. 第三版. 洛杉矶,加州:Sage出版社.

亨得利,P.M. and A. G. Winfield.  2013. 《复活死者:作为记忆的课程历史."课程理论化杂志 29 (1). 

温菲尔德,. G. and A. S. Canestrari. 2012. "Beware Reformers Bearing Gifts: How the Right Uses the Language of Social Justice to Reinforce Inequity." In Becoming and being a Teacher: Confronting Traditional Norms to Create New Democratic Realities,由托马斯编辑,P. L. 莫瓦,新泽西:彼得朗出版社.

温菲尔德,. G. 2012. "Resuscitating Bad Science: Eugenics Past and Present." In 对公共教育的攻击, W .沃特金斯编辑. H. 纽约:师范学院出版社.

温菲尔德,. G. (2010). 优生意识形态与历史渗透.” In Curriculum Studies - The Next Moments: Exploring Post-Reconceptualization. E. Malewski(编辑). 纽约,劳特利奇. 

温菲尔德,安·G., "Instituting a Hierarchy of Human Worth: Eugenic Ideology And the Anatomy of Who Gets What" (2010). 教育学院教职员刊物. Paper 10. 

温菲尔德,安. Eugenics and Education in America : Institutionalized Racism and the Implications of History, Ideology, 和记忆. 彼得·朗,2007年. 


Kriscenski, Nance和Tucker Wright. Legal Studies Capstone: Assessing your 本科 Education. Delmar Cengage Learning, 2012. 

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