学术标准 & 需求


The Honors curriculum includes honors courses, the Honors Community Engagement experience, 以及荣誉顶点项目. Honors students enroll in designated sections of the university’s core curriculum and complete a minimum of 18 credits of Honors coursework. These credits may be fulfilled through the following courses:

  • 荣誉基础100
  • HONR 101  Honors Scientific Investigations*
  • HONR 102  Honors Challenges of Democracy*
  • HONR 103  Honors Human Behavior in Perspective*
  • HONR 104  Honors Literature, Philosophy, and the Examined Life*
  • HONR 105  Honors Aesthetics in Context: the Artistic Impulse*
  • hon220作为文本
  • HONR 300  Community Engagement Seminar
  • 荣誉400荣誉顶点研讨会
  • 荣誉410独立学习荣誉
  • 荣誉专题
  • WTNG 102-H  Honors How Writing Works*
  • An additional WTNG course at the 230-level or above*
  • 1 additional honors credit will be earned upon successful completion of a capstone project in a student’s field of study

(*) These courses fulfill a University requirement for 通识教育. 

荣誉社区 Engagement Experience

The 荣誉项目 prepares students to be Citizen Scholars through a reflective Community
Engagement experience typically completed during the junior year. Honors students and faculty partner with local and global communities to exchange ideas and address real problems. The Community Engagement experience may take the form of a course-based service project, a faculty-led service trip or alternative spring break, or a pre-approved independent community engagement project.


Your senior capstone is an opportunity to deeply explore your intellectual and/or creative interests and present them to a public audience during your final semester at RWU. The Honors Capstone is based on a significant academic project such as a thesis or senior project in the major, 或者主修顶点课程. You may pursue your capstone in your major, 小, or as an interdisciplinary project with the approval of an identified faculty member. The Honors Capstone involves three components:

  • 顶点项目本身
  • A written critical reflection, which supplements the project
  • A public oral presentation, typically completed at the RWU Student Academic Showcase (SASH) in April 


To maintain good standing in the 荣誉项目, students must make progress towards completing the required 18 credits of Honors coursework, and must also maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.在大学的所有班级中排名第三. The Community Engagement requirement should be fulfilled prior to the student’s final semester. Honors Capstone plans must be declared by October 1st 学生毕业年份的. Attendance at Senior Capstone presentations (SASH) is also required for all members of the Program who are in residence at the University.