
Our June 取向 program is designed to welcome our first time in college students to our campus and to give a glimpse into the everyday life of a student at Roger Williams University. The 取向 program will provide you with ease as you transition by providing information regarding your academic and college life. It’s also an opportunity to meet and interact with your fellow Hawks. 


  • 第一阶段:6月10日星期一和6月11日星期二
  • 第二阶段:6月13日星期四和6月14日星期五
  • 第三期:6月17日星期一和6月18日星期二
  • 第四期:6月20日星期四和6月21日星期五


你可以随时联系迎新小组,地址是 orientation@plunkocity.com 或致电401-254-3385

新生之间会建立联系, connect with our undergraduate student leaders (called 取向 Advisors), 教师, 和工作人员. 我们提供四种 两天一夜 sessions throughout two weeks in June where students will stay on campus, 选择秋季课程, 了解校园和学术生活. 并对自己有所了解.  All Students will be staying in one of our first year residence halls; families can look at 这里是我们当地的酒店列表

Throughout this two day program students will be given a glimpse into all that RWU has to offer, ranging from out outstanding academic programs to vibrant campus life. All of this pairs beautifully with our dedicated and supporting community of 教师, 工作人员, 以及我们的迎新顾问. RWU will open you up to countless opportunities to explore and achieve both inside and outside the classroom.  Roger Williams University will open students to countless opportunities to explore and achieve both inside and outside the classroom.

家庭 will have a chance to attend our Family 取向 program, which will be a one day on the first day of each student session.  Family members will have the opportunity to learn about required courses, 学生的专业, and connect with the 学生生活 Division to learn about outside of classroom resources, 支持和人员配置.

We ask that if you have questions regarding travel to and from our orientation sessions you please reach out to our New Student & 家庭迎新办公室之前 6月1日 这样我们就能帮你安排住宿. 

The 取向 team is hard at work preparing the schedule for your session; students will receive our 取向 newsletter upon registration for their session.   Our 取向 newsletter will provide information on our program, 通宵体验需要带些什么呢, 还有你需要的其他细节.  取向 Schedules and student resources will be sent out the week prior to your session.

新生需要适应环境吗? 是的. 参加新生培训计划的人数是 强制性的 所有一年级新生和转学生. The program is designed to ease the transition to the Roger Williams community. 在方向, students will learn about vital campus resources as well as the opportunities available to them that supplement and enhance your educational and co-curricular experience. 学生们也将注册他们的课程. 取向 is the first step you take as a Roger Williams student, and if you do not attend you may set yourself back in the process of becoming a Hawk! 

家庭成员需要入职培训吗? 我们不要求家庭成员参加迎新会, 但工作人员强烈鼓励家庭成员参加. Due to the large amounts of information shared at all the available sessions, 年轻的家庭成员可能没有兴趣参加. 

如果我是通勤学生,我需要过夜吗?  通勤学生将在我们6月的课程中过夜, 这是与其他学生建立联系的好方法. 

我们会在迎新期间为家庭提供住宿吗? 不为家庭成员提供过夜住宿; family members interested in booking overnight accommodations can visit our webpage for area hotels

I have registered for 取向, but how do I switch my date?   学生可以通过电子邮件与迎新办公室联系 orientation@plunkocity.com.  我们可以重新安排你6月份的待定时间.

你需要和你的准室友一起参加新生培训吗? 不,这不是必需的. 事实上, 在没有室友的情况下参加新生培训, students may have an easier time branching out to meet new people! 

我应该带什么去迎新会? 第一天和第二天都穿舒适的衣服, as well as anything that you may need to spend the night (including medications). You will need to bring linens (blanket/sheets) or a sleeping bag and a pillow as the residence halls do NOT have linen. 我们建议轻装包装, as we will not be spending an abundant amount of time in the residence hall. We also suggest taking a look at the forecast ahead to prepare for any bad weather, 风雨无阻,我们的迎新活动将继续进行! 

我可以在新生网赌的十大网站时换专业吗? 是的, students will have the opportunity to meet with an admissions counselor (if necessary) to discuss potential major changes before course registration. 

明年我还住在宿舍吗? All students that participate in the summer 2-day program will be spending the night in one of our first year resident halls. 

如果我需要特殊住宿,我该和谁联系? 如果需要的话,我们非常乐意为学生提供住宿. To make these arrangements, contact our orientation department via email at orientation@plunkocity.com.

我在哪里可以找到迎新活动的时间表?  Students and families will be sent the program schedule for the 取向 program 1 week prior to their session.  迎新时间表将在《网赌的十大网站》上公布.

If I am deferring until the spring, should I still attend orientation over the summer? Students who decide to defer their admission should attend our January orientation session that is best suited for the spring semester. 

我需要带钱去迎新会吗? No, 登记包括所有食物的费用, 住房, 以及项目期间的活动.