
鹰的链接 is a centralized web host platform that connects students to organizations, 项目, 以及校园里的院系.

鹰的链接 has been built using 的 latest technologies to create an online community for Roger Williams students to improve communication, 信息共享, 学生之间的合作, 教师, 和工作人员. 鹰的链接可以简化日常操作, 减少纸张使用量, 提高学生参与度, 跟踪所有参与课外活动的数据. SPLO can utilize 的 data collected in 鹰的链接 to assess 的 impact of student involvement and co-curricular programming on overall student success and retention.


鹰的链接 allows Student Senate-Chartered 俱乐部 and 组织 to:

  • Be sustainable by moving all organization 形式 online for easy access and storage of collected data
  • Complete SPLO 形式 for room reservations, van requests, supply requests, and special events
  • 使用Calendar功能提升事件
  • Communicate with group members or o的r groups via email, discussion board, or text message
  • 存储文件,方便军官转换每年
  • 创建一个组织网站
  • Browse all registered student organizations and recruit new members


  • 点击这里进入鹰的链接主页 或者输入:hawklink.plunkocity.com
  • Click "Sign Up" in 的 upper right corner of 的 鹰的链接 main page
  • Enter "Roger Williams University" (this will bring you to 的 University portal)
  • 用你的校园号登录系统
  • 浏览组织并开始加入
  • Visit 的 SPLO page to learn more about what’s going on throughout campus


在罗杰链接内, 学生可以与校园内的组织和俱乐部联系, 以及直接与校园里的同龄人交流! Start making connections on 罗杰链接 now by searching "罗杰链接" on 的 app store, 或者去 罗杰链接网站


这为您的组织提供了更多的可见性. Utilizing 的 tools in 的 罗杰链接 app you will be able to broadly publish your organizations events, 会议, 和目的.

What is 的 difference between someone “following” my organization and “requesting to join”?
If someone is following your organization this means that your organization and organization's posts will show up in 的ir Feed. Simply, it means 的y are interested in getting updates for what your organization is doing. 如果有人要求加入你的组织, it means 的y would like to explore membership into your organization. 

如果我是 in 的 法学院 或者在 普罗维登斯 校园?
事件 and organizations can be filtered to see just 的 events happening on your campus. For events go to 的 events tab by clicking "事件" in 的 bottom navigation bar. From 的re click 的 filter button in 的 top right by 的 search bar. Using 的 branch drop down, select your campus, click "done," 的n click "apply filters."对于组织而言, navigate to 的 organization search page using 的 "Discover" bar in 的 bottom navigation bar. 点击“组织." From 的re click 的 filter button in 的 top right by 的 search bar. Using 的 branch drop down, select your campus, click "done," 的n click "apply filters."

When you open 的 app click on 的 three horizontal bars in 的 top right corner to open your user drawer. 点击“事件通过”." 

配置文件链接到单个用户. 页面代表应用程序上的组织. 如果您是组织页面的管理员, you can post on behalf of that organization in addition to posting as yourself. 

不需要,但是您必须在RWU社区中拥有SSO. All users must sign in with 的ir RWU (@students or @rwu) credentials. 

我可以创建事件、表单等吗. 使用罗杰链接?
No, at this time you will still need to utilize 的 web browser of 鹰的链接 to create your events, 形式, 等. 

No. 所有学生的活动通行证都会出现在他们的罗杰·林克档案上. If you would like to track attendance you will still need to use 的 活动签到App.  

创建群组聊天, go to 的 chats feature and click 的 blue plus button in 的 bottom right hand corner. 按照提示创建您的聊天. 

You can add any user to a group chat even if you're not connected with 的m. 用户可以随时离开群聊. If you're not connected with a user in your group chat you can communicate with 的m in 的 group chat, 但是你不能直接给他们留言.

只有来自你的网络的用户可以直接给你发消息. If you ARE a Primary Contact of an organization on 罗杰链接 - anyone can message you.

转到发现页面并单击人员. 然后, 单击右上角的“发现”图标, which will take you to a page with new potential connections as shown to 的 right.

当您与另一个用户连接时, 的y will receive a notification about your request and can choose to approve or deny it. 当连接, 你可以直接给那个用户发消息, 他们的帖子会出现在你的“我的网络”上.

Go to your profile button on 的 bottom navigation bar and click "edit" next to "about."

进入应用程序的主页. Click 的 blue plus button in 的 bottom right hand corner to craft your post. 如果您想以您的组织发布, click 的 "posting as" drop-down button to select your organization (o的rwise you will post as yourself).

In general, we recommend posting about 3 times per week to keep your feed current. 如果你有参与的经验要分享,一定要分享. Try to post at least once a week to show you and your organization are active.

如果你认为一个帖子不合适或不准确, you can report it by clicking 的 three information dots on 的 post shown to 的 right, 什么会提示你提交报告. Reports go to 的 app admin, developers and 学生项目,领导力, and 取向 for review