



代词他/他/他的. Dr. Bailey joined the Center as 副主任 in 2011. 他于2015年被任命为副主任, 2016年被任命为临时董事, 并于2018年晋升为董事. Dr. Bailey is also an adjunct faculty member at William James College. He has a B.A. 在普罗维登斯学院获得心理学硕士学位.A. 康涅狄格学院临床心理学博士. Chris earned a doctorate in counseling psychology from University of Missouri-Kansas City. 他是罗德岛州的执业心理学家. 在罗杰·威廉姆斯之前, his previous counseling center experience included Rhode Island College, Rockhurst大学, 石城大学, 以及密苏里-哥伦比亚大学. Dr. 贝利还在职业服务部门工作, 社区精神卫生中心, 少年缓刑, 住院医院, and residential care with individuals diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders. 他的专业兴趣包括管理, 职业心理学, 大学生发展, 情绪调节, 精神健康去污名化, 拓展演讲(主题如幸福, 减压, and sleep), 人格理论, 积极心理学, supervision, and training. In his free time, Chris enjoys art, baseball, music, 与家人和朋友共度时光, 还有旅行.


Lauren Clark


代词她/她/她的. Dr. 克拉克于2023年加入该中心. She has a B.A. 心理学博士和理学硕士.A. in clinical psychology, both from University of Hartford. Lauren earned a doctorate in clinical psychology from Marywood University. 在罗杰·威廉姆斯之前, her previous counseling center experience included Marywood University and SUNY Oneonta. Dr. Clark also worked in community mental health and 住院医院. 她的专业兴趣包括焦虑, 危机干预, phobias, 的关系问题, and trauma. 在她空闲的时候, 劳伦喜欢庆祝万圣节, 演唱会(尤其是泰勒·斯威夫特), 与朋友共度时光, 还有Trader Joe's.

梅根·DeCarvalho, LICSW



代词她/她/她的. Meghan joined the Center in 2023 as 副主任. She has a B.A. in psychology from Saint Anselm College and earned a M.S.W. 史密斯学院. 在罗杰·威廉姆斯之前, her previous counseling center experience included Salve Regina University, 她曾是那里的咨询服务主任, as well as 石城大学 and University of Colorado Boulder. 她还在布拉德利医院工作, 有自闭症谱系的孩子, 教授社交技巧课程. 她的专业兴趣包括调整, assertiveness, 悲伤和失落, 成长心态, 健康的关系, 身份的发展, mindfulness, 社会正义, 以及药物使用. 在她空闲的时候, 梅根享受感恩, 体育活动和运动, the sun, 与家人和朋友共度时光, 除了走路.



代词她/她/她的. Dr. 多诺万于2024年加入该中心. 



Kineret Kandelker, Psy.D.

Kineret Kandelker, Psy.D.


代词她/她/她的. Dr. 坎德尔克于2013年加入该中心. She became a staff member in 2017 after completing both her internship and fellowship trainings in the Center. Kineret有一个B.A. 康涅狄格大学心理学博士. Dr. 坎德尔克得了个M.A. and doctorate in clinical psychology from William James College. 她是罗德岛州的执业心理学家. Kineret also worked in a community setting and 住院医院. She has created and facilitated trainings for diversity, equity, and inclusion both at Roger Williams and with other organizations. Dr. Kandelker's professional interests include 情绪调节, 人际关系, 以及社会公正和健康公平. 在她空闲的时候, Kineret enjoys baking, hiking, reading, as well as 与家人和朋友共度时光.




代词她/她/她的. Danielle于2023年加入该中心. She has a B.A. 纽黑文大学法医心理学博士. 丹妮尔有个M.A. 威廉·詹姆斯学院心理学博士, where she is currently a fourth-year doctoral candidate in clinical psychology. Her professional interests include anger, anxiety, 的关系问题, substance use, and trauma. In free time, Danielle enjoys art, movies, 与家人和朋友共度时光, travel, and walking her dog.     

Sarah Leach, lsw


代词她/她/她的. Sarah joined the Center in 2024 as 副主任. She has a B.A. 获得波士顿大学心理学硕士学位.S.W. 布里奇沃特州立大学毕业. 在罗杰·威廉姆斯之前, her previous counseling center experience was at 石城大学. She also worked in community mental health, medical social work, and outpatient therapy settings. Sarah's professional interests include adjustment, 社会正义, substance use, and trauma. 作为LGBTQIA+社区的一员, she is passionate about working with under-represented populations and supporting others with 身份的发展. 在她空闲的时候, 莎拉享受感恩, 体育活动和运动, the sun, 和家人朋友在一起. 




代词她/她/她的. Dr. Minarik于2015年加入该中心. She was appointed 副主任 in 2016 and promoted to Associate Director in 2022. She has a B.A. in psychology from University of Maryland, College Park. 莫林得了个M.A. in psychology and doctorate in clinical psychology from American University. 她是罗德岛州的执业心理学家. 在罗杰·威廉姆斯之前, her previous counseling center experience included American University, Johnson & 威尔士大学和罗德岛大学. She completed an internship with the United States Navy and has served on active duty. Maureen also worked in an employee assistance program, 军事设置, 住院的医院, 和退伍军人医疗中心. Dr. Minarik's professional interests include assisting service members and families, 悲伤和失落, 带病好好生活, 积极心理学, 尺寸多样性和接受度, 预防自杀. 在她空闲的时候, 莫林喜欢创造, 健身与跑步, reading, 与家人和朋友共度时光, 还有旅行.



代词她/她/她的. Jennifer于2023年加入该中心. She has many years of experience providing clerical support in healthcare and public school settings. 在她空闲的时候, 詹妮弗喜欢骑自行车。, boating, 和她的两只涂鸦狗雷米和皮特一起远足, 音乐剧, 和家人朋友在一起.