Health Education Office

Health and Wellness Educators smiling
2023-2024 Health & Wellness Educators

Mission Statement

健康教育办公室通过确定健康趋势来支持学生的学业成功, planning wellness events, 并就各种健康问题向RWU学生开展宣传活动. We strive to equip all students to make intentional, 为自己选择积极的生活方式,并使他们能够使用旁观者干预策略来防止对他人的伤害.

健康教育部门在其预防项目中有一个同伴教育模式. 学生健康促进及健康教育主任及同侪教育小组, 健康与健康教育者(HAWEs)共同努力,为网赌的十大网站的学生提供教育和支持,以保持健康的生活方式. We strive to motivate individuals to develop the physical, mental, social, 自我的智力和精神层面,做出选择,走向更成功和更健康的生活.

Health and Wellness Educators (H.A.W.E.s)

学生有8个津贴职位(加上2个RA实习职位)在健康教育办公室工作. 所有专业的学生都会发现这是一次宝贵的经历,可以转化为许多工作技能.

Ten Things to Know

The Health Education Office:

  1. Serves the entire campus community
  2. 为遇到酒精和其他药物使用相关问题的学生接受转介
  3. Offers free alcohol and drug use assessments
  4. 为各种健康行为提供个人健康指导课程
  5. 就预防举措与外部社区伙伴和RWU团体合作
  6. Serves as a great resource for students
  7. 提供一系列的项目,包括到宿舍的研讨会/演讲, campus clubs and organizations
  8. Provides smoking cessation consultations
  9. Distributes condoms free of charge
  10. 帮助学生完成关于健康主题的课堂项目、报告和演讲.
Health and Wellness Educators smiling and sitting

Professional Memberships

健康教育主任是美国大学健康协会(ACHA)的成员 自1920年以来,该协会一直是学生健康和保健的代言人. Through advocacy, research and education, 美国大学生协会站在影响大学生健康和健康问题的最前沿. ACHA represents over 1,100 institutions of higher education, 代表着1000万大学生的集体健康和健康需求. ACHA serves nearly 3,000名大学健康和健康专业人士和所有学科的领导者团结在一起,促进大学生的健康和健康. 会员资格是打开巨大的视野和知识,可以丰富校园健康和保健服务的关键, professional development, and efforts toward creating a culture of wellness on campus.

健康和健康教育工作者积极参与国家心理健康协会(NASPA)的BACCHUS倡议( NASPA的BACCHUS倡议通过授权学生和学生事务管理员来创建健康安全的校园环境,从而支持大学同伴教育者和顾问.



RWU健康教育方案是一种基于同伴的教育模式. 10健康和健康教育工作者被选中设计和提供健康促进整个校园社区. The BACCHUS Peer EducationNetworkTM is a part of NASPA and is a university based, 在校园和社区范围内领导有关酒精滥用的健康和安全生活方式的决定, tobacco use, illegal drug use, unhealthy sexual practices and other high-risk behaviors.

Mary and Kayla
Diana Perez
Health and Wellness Educator Diana Perez was awarded as
YearAward TypeProgram/
Recipient Name
1996(Northeast Region) Area 10 Program of the YearAlcohol Incidence Referral
1996全国预防教育杰出创意大会Happy 21 BD
1997全国预防教育杰出创意大会Passed Out
1997 (Northeast Region) Outstanding ProgramPassed Out
1998General Assembly National Outstanding AdvisorDonna Lynn Darmody
1999General Assembly National Outstanding Network AffiliateRWU Health Advocates
2000(Northeast Region) Outstanding AdvisorDonna Lynn Darmody
2007General Assembly National Outstanding AdvisorDonna Lynn Darmody
2007-2008优秀AOD专业人员(决赛)课堂外Donna Lynn Darmody
2009(Northeast Region) Area 10 Outstanding Peer EducatorRenee Belotti
2009General Assembly National Outstanding Network AffiliateRWU Health and Wellness Educators
2010(Northeast Region) Area 10 Outstanding Peer EducatorHannah Freedman
2012全国杰出研究与评价大会RWU Health and Wellness Educators
2013(Northeast Region) Outstanding AdvisorDonna Lynn Darmody
2013(Northeast Region) Area 10 Outstanding ProgramRootbeer: The Only Beer You Should Be Serving
2013General Assembly National Outstanding AdvisorDonna Lynn Darmody
2014Student Affairs Unsung Hero AwardDonna Lynn Darmody
2014Peter Broomhead award for supporting athleticsDonna Lynn Darmody
2014Bacchus General Assembly National Outstanding Program AwardFYE-This Is HAWE Do It!
2015(Northeast Region) Award for Best ProgramConsent Poster Campaign
2016Bacchus General Assembly Outstanding Peer Educator GroupRWU Health and Wellness Educators
2017Bacchus General Assembly Outstanding ProgramMessage on a Bottle
2018(Northeast Region 1) Outstanding ProgramMessage on a Bottle
2018(Northeast Region 1) Outstanding AdvisorDonna Lynn Darmody
2018(Northeast Region 1) Outstanding Peer EducatorDiana Perez
2018RWU Student Achievement Award for Title IX RecognitionMary Dinnean & Kayla Devin
2019学生生活计划年度最佳员工奖 & LearningPeer Body Project 
2019Peggy Deston Award Donna Darmody