Community Engaged Public Humanities Training Series

The Community-Engaged Public Humanities Training series supports faculty in exploring public humanities pedagogy 和 project development methods 和 ethical 和 reciprocal community engagement practices.


什么是公共人文学科 & 艺术?: An Introduction to Pedagogy 和 Practice (In Person with Stacy Hybrid)

Wednesday, October 18th 2023; 3pm – 5pm 
主持人:Cory Alix (RWU)和 Dr. 斯泰西·哈特曼, 前PublicsLab主任, 研究生中心, CUNY

This session will provide attendees with an introduction to Public Humanities & 艺术(PHA)教学法与实践. 斯泰西·哈特曼, 前PublicsLab主任, 研究生中心, CUNY和Cory Alix报道, Adjunct Professor of Humanities 和 NEH/Co-Lab Curriculum Development 教师 Fellow. 会议将探讨定义, PHA的一些目标, 和 the l和scape of leading PHA projects at academic institutions. 在会议的后半段, Cory Alix will offer one possible pedagogical approach to incorporating public humanities methods into the classroom. 最后, the session will close with a discussion  of PHA’s relationship to the “crisis in the humanities” 和 explore the capacity of the public humanities to disrupt & 挑战我们熟悉的流程. 

Flipping the Script: What Academia Can Learn from Public Humanities Nonprofits  (Online Webinar)

Thursday, November 30, 2023; 3 pm-4:30 pm via Zoom
主持人: Dr. 伊丽莎白Rosner (RWU)和 Dr. 斯泰西·哈特曼, 前PublicsLab主任, 研究生中心, CUNY

This session will explore successful models of Public Humanities 和 艺术 projects, as well as ways to create meaningful public engagement. A panel of community partners will lead the discussion, reflecting on lessons learned 和 best practices for building relationships 和 putting research into practice.

珍妮所罗门,创始人兼董事 Cultural Society for Entrepreneurship, Bilingualism, Resources 和 Inspirations 组织者 亚裔美国人博物馆 & 太平洋岛民(AAPI)历史 & 文化 在罗德岛州的努力. 

查尔斯·罗伯茨,创始人兼执行董事 罗德岛奴隶历史奖章, a placemaking effort commemorating 和 celebrating the lives 和 work of enslaved people in Rhode Isl和. 

迈克尔·弗雷德里克,署长 梭罗协会, the largest 和 oldest organization devoted to stimulating interest in 和 fostering education about Thoreau’s life, 作品, 遗产以及他在他的世界和我们的世界中的地位.

Pedagogy Spotlight: Enslaved Peoples in New Engl和 – Two Public Humanities Teaching Approaches

Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 3:00-4:30 pm (In person) ARCH 239A
主持人: Dr. 劳拉爱Dr. 夏洛特Carrington-Farmer

Come learn about ways that two professors at RWU have approached the teaching of enslaved people in New Engl和, 因为它与公共人文艺术有关.  Case studies will include collaborating with community partners, 以学生为中心的研究, 联合课程, 谦逊地处理敏感话题.

过程和问题:做 & 资助公共人文项目

Wednesday, April 10, 2024; 3pm - 5pm  (In person) ARCH 239A
主持人: Dr. 贝尔纳多莫塔Dr. 黛安娜Beltran)

这个会话分享这个过程, 问题, 以及发展的机会, 交付, 资助公共人文学科的项目.  Using the projects from two faculty cohort members, 与会者分享他们的计划和方法, as well as their work across disciplines 和 with community partners.  The session also provides information on funding within the RWU community 和 outside grantmakers in the humanities.