第九条新闻、事件、 & 项目


绿色你的绿点是什么? Dot is a byst和er intervention 培训 program that promotes intolerance of violence through communal education 和 empowerment. Although the program does not specifically say what to do, it suggests that something be done when facing a potentially harmful situation. 的se harmful situations are known as “red dots” 和 include instances of interpersonal violence, 比如身体和性侵犯, 吓人的词, 控制行为. In response, “green dots” can be used to combat these types of situations. “绿点”是指任何行为, 行为, 或者选择交流, 和重视, 安全和不容忍暴力. Unsure of how to use green dots in your day-to-day life? See below for the “5 Ds” of reactive green dots for more information. 另外, 如有任何问题,请联系第九条办公室, 担忧, 或者对培训机会感兴趣! 


直接: intervening by inserting yourself into a situation 和 directly addressing those involved (e.g., asking someone who looks uncomfortable if they are okay, pulling your friend away from someone who appears to be intimidating them, 和/或告诉别人他们的笑话是冒犯的). 

委托: asking someone else, who may be better equipped to h和le the situation, to intervene (e.g., asking a mutual friend, telling the party host, 和/or calling Public Safety). 

分散: indirect intervention tactic accomplished by creating a diversion (e.g., telling your friend that someone needs them in another room, spilling a drink on someone exhibiting harmful 行为, 和/or going up to a stranger you think may be in trouble, pretending like it is first time you have seen them in a long time, 和 then continuing to have that conversation to separate them from the harm). 

延迟: supportive 和 validating actions taken in the aftermath of a harmful situation (e.g., checking in, offering help, 和/or sharing resources).

文档: 如果干预措施已经生效, 或者不可能, 记录事件的细节,比如日期, time, 位置(e).g., take a photo, record a video, 和/or write down any information you deem important). Please note that documenting should only be considered when another "D" is in effect 如果这样做安全的话. 例如, if someone present is already intervening directly or has been delegated to assist, 记录是合适的. Make sure to talk with the harmed individual to determine their preferred next steps with the documentation captured. 除非当局要求, avoid sharing 和/or posting documentation without the harmed individual's consent.

作为RWU社区的一员, we are all byst和ers who can play a role in reducing violence 和 keeping our campus safe. 你的绿点是什么? 


Instagram: @rwu_greendot

脸谱网:绿点世界- RWU


  • “鹰”在线培训模型(通过矢量解决方案)
  • “让我们谈谈性:这在RWU很重要


  • 绿点旁观者干预工作坊
  • 学生会校园安全步道
  • 沉默的证人纪念日守夜
  • STAND行为艺术展
  • 晾衣绳项目展示
  • 餐桌旁的空位
  • 国际反性侵犯牛仔日
  • 电影 & 讨论
  • 举办“健康关系”活动
  • 社区的对话
  • RWU法学院的活动
  • 第九章校园气候研究
  • University participant in NASPA "Culture of Respect" program
  • Collaborative events with Rhode Isl和 Colleges 和 Universities


  • Resident Assistants (Title IX, Byst和er Intervention, Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence)
  • 健康 & Wellness Educators  (Title IX, Byst和er Intervention, Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence)
  • Orientation Advisors (Title IX, Byst和er Intervention)
  • 同伴导师(标题IX,旁观者干预)
  • 网赌的十大网站s Ambassadors (Title IX, Byst和er Intervention)
  • 运动员(第九章,旁观者干预)
  • 学生参议院(Title IX概述)

2002年3月, the RWU Women’s Center created a chapter of the Rhode Isl和 沉默证人倡议 (SWI), honoring the lives of people murdered in acts of domestic violence. 2011年5月, the RWU Women’s Center helped a local high school create the first high school chapter of the project in the country.

现在, 在第九条办公室的指导下, SWI的RWU分会继续提高人们的认识, honor local community members 和 seek to end power-based personal violence.

If you would like to get involved with the RWU 沉默证人倡议, 请通过jstanley@rwu与Jen Stanley联系.Edu或(401)254-3123.

升级 Workshop is a film-based discussion that opens people’s eyes to the warning signs of relationship abuse. 工作坊包括一部电影, 升级, followed by a guided discussion led by a trained facilitator.

如果您想了解更多关于 升级 or how to become a trained peer facilitator, please contact Jen Stanley at jstanley@plunkocity.com or 401-254-3123.